Preschool Afterschool Program

Morning care for preschool begins at 8:00 am, Monday-Friday, at no extra cost.

The preschool after-school program begins when school ends at 2:45 pm, and ends at 6:00 pm, Monday-Friday. Chil­dren must be picked up and ready to leave by 6:00 pm

The after-school program is an outdoor program, with time spent in the preschool yard and once a week at the farm. At the farm or in the preschool play yard, chil­dren engage in construc­tion, water activ­i­ties, garden­ing, art explo­ration, and messy play. The children’s play encour­ages gross and fine motor devel­op­ment as well as collab­o­ra­tion. Chil­dren have the freedom and space to engage in self-directed activ­i­ties that are fun for them. 

To sign up, preschool parents should visit their MyBack­Pack account to fill out and submit the online enrollment form.


Program ques­tions: contact the preschool team, connie@​thewaverlyschool.​org
Payment ques­tions: contact Vella in the busi­ness office, vella@​thewaverlyschool.​org or 626.792.5940 x252