Waverly Summer Options 2024

Waverly Summer Session: June 17-August 9, 2024

The Waverly School will offer a range of summer courses for students from June 17 to August 9, 2024. The aim of Waverly’s summer program is to provide students with oppor­tu­ni­ties to have fun, social­ize, and continue their learn­ing. For younger students, summer activ­i­ties will center around enrich­ment, and older students will have the option of enrich­ment as well as the oppor­tu­nity to accel­er­ate their academic program. 

Further Summer Enrichment Opportunities

SKY Kids Breath & Medi­ta­tion (ages 8 – 12)

The SKY Kids program gives chil­dren the tools they need to thrive and meet life’s chal­lenges with a smile. Through breath­ing tech­niques, games, yoga, creative projects, problem-solving strate­gies, inter­ac­tive processes, and service projects, chil­dren learn tools and skills to:

  • Release stress and negative emotion
  • Boost concen­tra­tion and memory
  • Build self-confi­dence
  • Handle peer pres­sure and bullying
  • Strengthen human values and social skills

When chil­dren know how to manage their own stress and emotions, they’re able to excel in all areas of life and their natural talents can emerge. Many parents and kids notice they’re more creative, their perfor­mance in school and sports improves, and they are better at navi­gat­ing rela­tion­ships. As a result, their lead­er­ship abil­i­ties blossom and they’re able to be of service and help others in their communities.

Two sessions offered: 
June 17 – 21 (no class on June 19), 9:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m.
July 29-August 2, 9:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m.
Cost: $135 per session
Click here to sign up for SKY Kids Breath & Medi­ta­tion (ages 8 – 12).
Flex­i­ble Tuition Fami­lies: Click here to sign up for SKY Kids Breath & Medi­ta­tion (ages 8 – 12).

SKY Teens Breath & Medi­ta­tion (ages 13 – 17)

The SKY Teens program helps students discover greater self-confi­dence, resilience and a set of tools that will carry them through all of life’s ups and downs. Through medi­ta­tion, breath­ing tech­niques, and inter­ac­tive processes, students learn tools and skills to:

  • Access a stress-free mind at any time
  • Boost focus & concen­tra­tion for test-taking
  • Explore values (e.g., respect and responsibility)
  • Enhance lead­er­ship skills through team activities

High school can be an intense time, learn­ing to balance the pres­sures of school, new social situ­a­tions, college entrance require­ments, family dynam­ics and activ­i­ties, all while trying to figure out who you are, what you’re passion­ate about and what is impor­tant to you. Students who prac­tice the breath­ing and medi­ta­tion tech­niques taught in SKY Teens have shared that they have more peace of mind and confi­dence handling diffi­cult situ­a­tions, it’s easier to focus and excel at school and in activ­i­ties, and they’re better at navi­gat­ing rela­tion­ships. They also said being more in touch with your­self helps you find your voice, get involved in your commu­nity, speak out on issues impor­tant to you and make your ideas a reality.

Two sessions offered:
June 17 – 21 (no class on June 19), 9:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m.
July 29-August 2, 9:00 a.m. — 1:00 p.m.
Cost: $135 per session
Click here to sign up for SKY Teens Breath & Medi­ta­tion (ages 13 – 17)
Flex­i­ble Tuition Fami­lies: Click here to sign up for SKY Teens Breath & Medi­ta­tion (ages 13 – 17).

Middle School Summer Discov­ery with Maronke Sims

Join middle school teacher Maronke Sims for a three-day expe­ri­ence where students have the oppor­tu­nity to engage in fun activ­i­ties and connect with their peers as they famil­iar­ize them­selves with The Waverly Middle School campus. Students will visit the Farm, partic­i­pate in off-campus lunch, and travel to a nearby art museum to become inspired and create their own works of art. This three-day, inten­tion­ally curated expe­ri­ence is certain to be a spring­board for a success­ful start to the school year. 

This course is for rising seventh graders and students new to Waverly.

When: August 7 – 9, 10:00 a.m. — 2:00 p.m.
Cost: $350 (+ $50 regis­tra­tion fee)
Click here to sign up for Middle School Summer Discov­ery.
Flex­i­ble Tuition Fami­lies: Click here to sign up for MS Summer Discov­ery.

Intro to Coding with Aaron Rodgers

The basis of every­thing within all things in regard to tech­nol­ogy begins with coding. This course teaches the perfect starter language for students: Python. This flex­i­ble and popular coding language is used by many of the top tech compa­nies (Google, NASA, Microsoft) to develop impor­tant soft­ware. In this course, students will create several text-based games. Through creat­ing these text-based games, this course will be engag­ing and fun for everyone.

Intro to Coding will go over many of the basics within the coding language of Python. Students will learn how to create their own trivia bots, learn how to draw by using coding, and create a few more text-based games.

This class is open to all rising, incom­ing, and current middle school students, includ­ing rising ninth graders.

When: July 15 – 19, 1:00 p.m. — 3:30 p.m.
Cost: $375 (+ $50 regis­tra­tion fee)
Click here to sign up for Intro to Coding.
Flex­i­ble Tuition Fami­lies: Click here to sign up for Intro to Coding.

Summer Rock and Blue­grass Band Camp with Waverly Music Teach­ers Garrett Black­well and Armaan Biviji

Hone your musical skills by joining a rock or blue­grass band! Prac­tice collab­o­rat­ing with others to create, rehearse, and perform. 

The elemen­tary school music camps are for one week and will conclude with a concert that family and friends are invited to attend. Students will pick instru­ments of their choice, build a set list of songs, pick a band name, and rock out in a week-long band camp! No prior instru­men­tal or music expe­ri­ence is required. This is a great oppor­tu­nity for your child to further develop their musi­cal­ity through coop­er­a­tion and creativ­ity, and most impor­tantly, to have a good time! 

Follow­ing our after­school band program style, we’re delighted to offer a middle and high school two-week long, 3‑hour-a-day blue­grass band camp! Students will pick a blue grass instru­ment of their choice (vocals, guitar, bass, banjo, mandolin, and fiddle). We’ll learn a selec­tion of blue grass songs, explore the genres of blue­grass and folk music, and perform a show at the end of camp.

  • Elemen­tary School Music Camps with Armaan Biviji (first through sixth grades)
    • June 17 – 22: First through fourth grades preferred (No camp June 19, with the addi­tion of camp on Satur­day, June 22) ($425/​week, with a maximum of 10 students). 
    • June 24 – 28: Third through sixth grades preferred ($425/​week, with a maximum of 10 students). 
    • When: 9:00 a.m. — 12:00 p.m.
    • Cost per week: $425 (+ $25 registration fee)
    • Click here to sign up for Elemen­tary Music Camp.
    • Flex­i­ble Tuition Fami­lies: Click here to sign up for ES Music Camp.

AI and Machine Learn­ing Tech­nol­ogy (not for credit)

June 17-July 19 (no classes on June 19, July 4, or July 5)
Monday to Friday
12:00 p.m. — 1:00 p.m.

Join us for an unfor­get­table odyssey into the fron­tiers of AI and Machine Learn­ing, where inno­va­tion knows no bounds and the future beckons with limit­less poten­tial. Are you ready to embark on this extraordinary voyage?

This course, designed exclu­sively for middle and high school students, will delve into the capti­vat­ing world of futur­is­tic tech­nol­ogy trends where AI and Machine Learn­ing hold the keys to unlock­ing unprece­dented possi­bil­i­ties. The focus of the course is to under­stand the collec­tive intel­li­gence of humans and comput­ers working as a team together. The follow­ing area of study is included in the course:

  • Intro­duc­tion to AI – Narrow AI, General AI and Gener­a­tive AI (Super AI)

  • Machine Learn­ing – Neural Network, Algo­rithms and Train­ing Data (Alexa)

  • Natural Language Process­ing – Machines Under­stand­ing Natural languages

  • AI Automa­tion with Robot­ics – Self-drive Vehi­cles and Industrial Labor

  • AI for Busi­ness – Future Work­force, Upgrade Human Skills, Ethical Concerns

  • Future of AI – Predic­tions and Tech­nol­ogy Upgrade, Coding with Chat GPT

For a fuller descrip­tion of this class, please click here (PDF).

Course fee: $500 per student
Regis­tra­tion fee (non-refund­able): $100 per student
Click here to sign up for AI and Machine Learn­ing Tech­nol­ogy.
Flex­i­ble Tuition Fami­lies: Click here to sign up for AI and Machine Learn­ing Tech­nol­ogy.

Math Accel­er­a­tion Opportunities

These courses will provide credit for Waverly students. If your child is not enrolled at Waverly, please contact your child’s school before regis­ter­ing to learn what is required to receive credit. Each school main­tains their own poli­cies for accel­er­a­tion and credit. Tran­scripts will be sent to schools upon request.

Geom­e­try — Whole Year Credit Course

June 17-July 19 (no classes on June 19, July 4, or July 5)
Monday to Friday
8:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

This course will cover the entirety of the Waverly Geom­e­try curricu­lum, empha­siz­ing logic, reason­ing, explo­ration, and problem solving through the memo­riza­tion of formu­las, postu­lates, and theo­rems. Although clas­si­cal proofs are very much a part of this class, the thought process behind the proof is empha­sized above the system­atic struc­ture. Math skills are contin­u­ally prac­ticed and rein­forced. The unity of geom­e­try and algebra is empha­sized. The approach of the text and supple­men­tary mate­ri­als is multi­dis­ci­pli­nary and expe­ri­en­tial. Geomet­ric appli­ca­tions are explored in areas of art, music, history, and, of course, phys­i­cal, and biolog­i­cal sciences. Much of the course involves deriv­ing impor­tant prin­ci­ples through coop­er­a­tive explo­rations. (Prereq­ui­site: Algebra I)

Course fee: $1,000 per student
Regis­tra­tion fee (non-refund­able): $100 per student
Click here to sign up for math classes.
Flex­i­ble Tuition Fami­lies: Click here to sign up for math classes.

Algebra II — Whole Year Credit Course 

June 17-July 19 (no classes on June 19, July 4, or July 5)
Monday to Friday
1:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.

This course will cover the entirety of the Waverly Algebra II curricu­lum. This course care­fully builds on the sequen­tial approaches to content and learn­ing begun in the preced­ing texts in the AWSM series. The sequence from vari­ables to equa­tions to func­tions is extended to using func­tions as models for a number of applied settings. Geomet­ric and alge­braic concepts are extended and connected to topics in prob­a­bil­ity and statis­tics, trigonom­e­try, and discrete math­e­mat­ics. (Prereq­ui­sites: Algebra I and Geometry)

Course fee: $1,000 per student
Regis­tra­tion fee (non-refund­able): $100 per student
Click here to sign up for math classes
Flex­i­ble Tuition Fami­lies: Click here to sign up for math classes.