Employment Opportunities

The Waverly School is an inde­pen­dent progres­sive school with a thematic (inter­dis­ci­pli­nary), devel­op­men­tal, and expe­ri­en­tial approach that spans Preschool through 12th grade. We are looking for dynamic, moti­vated, and accom­plished educa­tors who are inter­ested in joining a diverse commu­nity of students, faculty, and families.

Current Employ­ment Opportunities

Job open­ings are listed below as well as posted on the following websites:

Cali­for­nia Asso­ci­a­tion of Inde­pen­dent Schools
South­ern Cali­for­nia People of Color in Inde­pen­dent Schools
Progres­sive Educa­tion Network (PEN)
National Asso­ci­a­tion of Inde­pen­dent Schools (NAIS)

Please click on the links below for a descrip­tion of each position.

  • There are no open posi­tions at this time.

EEO State­ment

The Waverly School is an equal oppor­tu­nity employer dedi­cated to a policy of non-discrim­i­na­tion based on the race, color, creed, reli­gion, sex, gender, gender iden­tity, gender expres­sion, marital status, preg­nancy, trans­gen­der, trans­sex­u­al­ism, sexual orien­ta­tion, age, national origin, citi­zen­ship, primary language, mili­tary or veteran status, phys­i­cal hand­i­cap, disabil­ity, medical condi­tion, mental disabil­ity, genetic char­ac­ter­is­tic or infor­ma­tion, ances­try, or based on any other consid­er­a­tion made unlaw­ful by federal, state, or local laws.