About the Waverly Parent Organization

All Waverly parents/​guardians are members of the Waverly Parent Orga­ni­za­tion (WPO). General and commit­tee meet­ings are announced via email, the school calen­dar, in the Waverly Weekly News, which is sent by email to all parents/​guardians, faculty, and staff on Fridays, and on the WPO bulletin board in the elemen­tary school’s front hall. The WPO welcomes and encour­ages involve­ment and partic­i­pa­tion. Ques­tions about the WPO or specific commit­tees should be directed to Direc­tor of Commu­ni­ca­tions, Susan Brad­forth (susan.​bradforth@​thewaverlyschool.​org).

Work Hours

Each Waverly family is commit­ted to volun­teer at least 30 hours for the school each year. Oppor­tu­ni­ties are announced through­out the year. As members of the WPO, parents/​guardians are expected to complete part of the required hours volun­teer­ing on WPO-spon­sored events and activities.

WPO Events and Committees

For ongoing infor­ma­tion about these events through­out the school year, please refer to The Waverly Weekly News each week, elec­tronic fliers, announce­ments, and our calen­dar.

Halloween Party

A one-time event with most work occur­ring the weekend of the party. Tasks include:

  • plan­ning and orga­niz­ing the event as a member of the committee 
  • creat­ing and setting up the Haunted House 
  • baking for and working at the Boo Bakery 
  • creat­ing and staffing the Witches’ Kitchen, the Fortune Teller, or other booths 
  • setting up and/​or cleaning up.

Liter­ary Festival

The Liter­ary Festi­val is a week­long cele­bra­tion of the written word! This week-long cele­bra­tion, culmi­nat­ing in Grand­par­ents and Special Friends Day, is an oppor­tu­nity to purchase books, learn about new authors, high­light our own student authors, and invite local and national authors to our school. The chair of the event will be respon­si­ble for recruit­ing volun­teers for this event. 

Tasks include:

  • helping with class visits to the sale

  • work with the book vendor to choose books

  • deco­rate the Sheila KerriganCommunity Room

  • encour­age teach­ers to create wish lists” for class­room books, and staff the Festi­val as needed.

Faculty/​Staff Appreciation Week

During Teacher Appre­ci­a­tion Week in May, provid­ing appre­ca­tion to our faculty/​staff through the provi­sion of a lunch and other simple appre­ci­a­tion events through­out the week. Tasks include:

  • plan­ning and orga­niz­ing as a member of the committee 
  • cooking, baking, or assem­bling luncheon items
  • hosting and/​or serving
  • setting up and/​or cleaning up

Winter Event

This is a commu­nity gath­er­ing requir­ing the efforts of many on tasks both large and small, including:

  • plan­ning and orga­niz­ing as a member of the committee
  • setting up and/​or cleaning up


A one-time spring event that requires the work of many on the day of the event. Tasks include: 

  • plan­ning and orga­niz­ing as a member of the committee
  • selling tickets, staffing booths, cooking and serving food
  • setting up and/​or cleaning up

Spring Commu­nity Gathering

Tasks include:

  • plan­ning and orga­niz­ing as a member of the committee
  • orga­niz­ing games, deco­ra­tions, and other features
  • cater­ing or working with caterers
  • setting up and/​or cleaning up

Waverly Organic Farm

Ongoing work through­out the year. Time required varies from two to five hours per month. Tasks include:

  • partic­i­pa­tion in Farm main­te­nance days (usually three Satur­days per year) 
  • working with classes on activ­i­ties at the Farm

Other Volun­teer Opportunities

Middle School Volun­teer Oppor­tu­ni­ties: Ongoing work through­out the year. Includes:

  • chap­er­on­ing and driving on field trips and sports events
  • chap­er­on­ing dances, movie nights, the Rock Festi­val, and other events

High School Social Events: Ongoing work through­out the year. Includes:

  • chap­er­on­ing dances, movie nights, the Rock Festi­val, and other events

Library: Assist as needed with process­ing of books and/​or class library time. One to two hours per week on a regu­larly sched­uled day and time.

Admis­sions: Assist the admis­sions direc­tor with coffee pick-up, tour setup, and baking for calen­dared tours/​events from October through January.