Administrative Staff

Admin Clarke Weatherspoon 24 25

Clarke Weath­er­spoon

Clarke became the head of school in 2022. With more than 20 years as an educa­tor, Clarke joined Waverly from the San Fran­cisco Friends School (SFFS), where he served as Middle School Head for two years. Clarke brings tremen­dous school lead­er­ship expe­ri­ence. His passion for educa­tion and dedi­ca­tion to creat­ing ways for students to engage authen­ti­cally and invest in their learn­ing has been evident in his role as a history teacher, dean, divi­sion head, water polo coach, and commu­nity volun­teer. Clarke holds a master’s degree in comput­ing in educa­tion from Colum­bia Univer­sity and bach­e­lor’s degrees in history and Black studies from the Univer­sity of Cali­for­nia, Santa Barbara. (Email)

Admin Molly Geller 24 25

Molly Geller

Molly (Waverly class of 2002) is the head of the Elemen­tary School. She has a B.A. in theol­ogy and reli­gious studies from the Univer­sity of San Fran­cisco and a teach­ing creden­tial and a Master of Educa­tion degree from Antioch Univer­sity. As a member of the Waverly commu­nity for 25 years, Molly supports and chal­lenges the students by meeting them where they are emotion­ally, socially, and acad­e­m­i­cally. (Email)

Admin Amy Sloboda 24 25

Amy Sloboda

Amy is the head of the Middle School and the direc­tor of Middle and High School acad­e­mics. Amy has an M.F.A. in film and video from Cali­for­nia Insti­tute of the Arts and a B.A. from Univer­sity of Nevada, Las Vegas where she studied English and film. Prior to being the middle school direc­tor, Amy was the middle school dean where she supported student acad­e­mic and social-emotional growth and taught social justice and well­ness as well as the high school film­mak­ing elec­tive. Before coming to Waverly in 2013, she spent seven years at Wild­wood School in West Los Angeles where she was the admin­is­tra­tive direc­tor and taught the film elec­tive. She then worked as a consul­tant for Cal/​West Educa­tors, guiding inde­pen­dent school board members through the process of hiring heads of school with a strong commit­ment to promot­ing diver­sity and equity in inde­pen­dent school hiring and reten­tion prac­tices. Amy has two chil­dren, Nola and Kanaan, and two lovable dogs, Bonnie and Katie. (Email)

Amdin Betty Benson 24 25

Betty Benson

Betty is Waverly’s interim head of the High School. Betty is a trained scien­tist and an expe­ri­enced educa­tional leader who joins Waverly from Charles Wright Academy in Tacoma, Wash­ing­ton, where she served as the Upper School Direc­tor. Prior to Charles Wright, Betty served as the Upper School Assis­tant Direc­tor, as well as the Asso­ciate Direc­tor at Lake­side School in Seattle, Wash­ing­ton. Betty taught high school science for several years at Lake­side, Randolph Macon Academy, Boys Latin School of Mary­land, and George School. Betty is currently complet­ing an M.Ed. in coun­sel­ing and has a master’s degree in chem­istry from the Univer­sity of South­ern Cali­for­nia and a Bach­e­lor of Science degree in chem­istry from Wagner College. Betty served as captain of the Divi­sion I Wagner women’s soccer team during her colle­giate career and credits much of her lead­er­ship, collab­o­ra­tion, and rela­tional skills to her expe­ri­ences as an athlete. 

Admin Ricco Siasoco 24 25

Ricco Siasoco

Ricco is the direc­tor of student life for all divi­sions and teaches English in the high school. He has a B.S. from Boston Univer­sity, an M.F.A. from Benning­ton College, and has completed doctoral work at Teach­ers College, Colum­bia Univer­sity. In his more than 22 years in educa­tion, Ricco has been a teacher, senior admin­is­tra­tor, college profes­sor, and diver­sity prac­ti­tioner at inde­pen­dent schools and colleges in Boston, New York, and San Fran­cisco. Ricco supports Waverly’s middle and high school students in making the most of their student expe­ri­ences — whether support­ing new clubs or affin­ity groups, finding extra help and study tips, or just assur­ing students have a patient ear when chal­lenges come their way. He part­ners with fami­lies, divi­sion heads, and the student support team (includ­ing a learn­ing special­ist and a school coun­selor) to navi­gate co-curric­u­lar, acad­e­mic, and socio-emotional life. Ricco is a board member at Marin Primary & Middle School and the Cali­for­nia Teacher Devel­op­ment Coop­er­a­tive, as well as a writer and published author of a collec­tion of short stories, The Foley Artist (Gaudy Boy, 2019). He enjoys hiking, cooking vege­tar­ian meals, and spend­ing time with his husband and their grumpy (but lovable) senior dog.(Email)

Admin Kimberly Brandon 24 25

Kimberly Brandon

Kimberly Brandon joined Waverly as the athletic direc­tor in 2024. She has worked with Cali­for­nia inde­pen­dent schools for 10 years, serving as an athletic direc­tor, learn­ing special­ist, health/​wellness teacher, and assis­tant athletic direc­tor. She has worked in the athletic depart­ment at Pepper­dine Univer­sity as the assis­tant direc­tor of acad­e­mic support. Kimberly holds a bach­e­lor’s degree in family and human devel­op­ment from Arizona State Univer­sity and two master’s degrees in educa­tion and educa­tional coun­sel­ing from National Univer­sity. Orig­i­nally from Chatsworth, she earned a schol­ar­ship to play Division‑1 basket­ball for ASU, where she helped lead her team to earn spots in the Elite Eight, two Sweet 16s, and a WNIT appear­ance. In 2012, Kimberly also garnered atten­tion to be a WNBA prospect. When she is not working, she typi­cally enjoys simple activ­i­ties to help her relax and stay ener­gized, such as going to the park with her Minia­ture Pinscher dog, Tweety, hanging out with family, going to the movies, or playing board games. Kimberly is ecsta­tic to be a part of the Waverly commu­nity and looks forward to getting to know and work with all students and commu­nity members. (Email)

Admin Crystal Day 24 25

Crystal Day

Crystal is Waverly’s Direc­tor of Admis­sions. Crystal joins Waverly from Camino Nuevo Charter Academy where she was the Direc­tor of Strate­gic Enroll­ment for the network of six schools in Los Angeles. Camino Nuevo ranges from kinder­garten through 12th grade and serves hundreds of multi­lin­gual fami­lies support­ing them to gain access to a top-tier educa­tion in Los Angeles. Crystal has director’s expe­ri­ence in progres­sive educa­tion from her time as the Admis­sions Data­base Coor­di­na­tor and Program Assis­tant at the Wild­wood School and during her tenure as Admis­sions Direc­tor at the West­erly School. Crystal has completed a Master of Educa­tion in enroll­ment manage­ment and policy from the Univer­sity of South­ern Cali­for­nia, and has a Bach­e­lor of Arts in soci­ol­ogy from Cali­for­nia State Univer­sity, Fuller­ton. Crystal is a data enthu­si­ast, an avid runner, hiker, and curious life-long learner. (Email)

Staff Juli Khoe 2023

Juli Khoe

Juli is the direc­tor of finance and oper­a­tions. She has a B.A. in econom­ics from Duke Univer­sity and an M.B.A. from the Ander­son School at Univer­sity of Cali­for­nia, Los Angeles. Juli is excited that her Waverly posi­tion combines her 25 years of oper­a­tional finance expe­ri­ence in the private sector with her passion for volun­teer­ing as a trea­surer for various Pasadena-area nonprof­its. In her free time, Juli enjoys hiking, trav­el­ing, and explor­ing tasty L.A. restau­rants. (Email)

Faculty Cagle Vella

Vella Cagle

Vella is the direc­tor of human resources, and she manages tuition and fee payments and the flex­i­ble tuition program. Vella received a B.A. in history from Virginia Tech. What Vella enjoys the most about working at Waverly is the commu­nity. She says,​“I have found my home…Waverly is a place where I feel safe, valued, and where I am truly happy to be.” (Email)

Staff Carolyn Hom 2023

Carolyn Hom

Carolyn, devel­op­ment direc­tor, has a B.A. in jour­nal­ism from the Univer­sity of South­ern Cali­for­nia. She has worked in devel­op­ment, market­ing, and public rela­tions for more than 35 years and has led fund-raising work with an array of inde­pen­dent schools. Carolyn and her husband are Pasadena resi­dents who enjoy travel and trying out the region’s many and varied restau­rants. Their son, who attended area inde­pen­dent schools, lives and works in Dallas. (Email)

Bradforth 1

Susan Brad­forth

Susan Brad­forth is the direc­tor of commu­ni­ca­tions. Prior to working at Waverly, Susan served as the Direc­tor of Commu­ni­ca­tions, Market­ing, and Devel­op­ment at The Gooden School in Sierra Madre where she oversaw strate­gic commu­ni­ca­tions and market­ing and managed devel­op­ment oper­a­tions. She has also served as Direc­tor of Advance­ment at Saint Mark’s School in Altadena and in other advancement/​program posi­tions at the Asia Foun­da­tion, UNICEF, The Rotary Foun­da­tion, and the Univer­sity of South­ern Cali­for­nia. As the parent of three local inde­pen­dent school students (classes of 2018, 2020, and 2028), she also has many years of expe­ri­ence as a commu­nity and school volun­teer at Poly­tech­nic School, AYSO, South Pasadena Little League, Arroyo Vista Elemen­tary, and Westridge School. A San Fran­cisco native, Susan holds a bachelor’s degree from UC Berke­ley and a master’s degree from San Fran­cisco State Univer­sity. She enjoys trav­el­ing, spend­ing time with her family, photog­ra­phy, and reading. (Email)

Admin Elaine Lass 24 25

Elaine Lass

Elaine has been Waverly’s direc­tor of college coun­sel­ing since 2003. She has a B.A. in psychol­ogy and educa­tion from Cham­i­nade Univer­sity of Honolulu, a master’s degree in educa­tional psychol­ogy from Loyola Mary­mount Univer­sity, and a teach­ing and pupil person­nel creden­tial. Elaine has worked in college coun­sel­ing for over 30 years and still loves being a part of the chal­leng­ing appli­ca­tion process. When she’s not working she enjoys spend­ing time on the beach with her husband and chil­dren as well as visit­ing colleges to stay in tune with the student expe­ri­ence. (Email)

Staff Amanda Lopez 24 25

Amanda Gallego

Amanda is the assis­tant direc­tor of admis­sions. Amanda earned her B.A. in creative writing at the Univer­sity of Redlands and her M.F.A. at Antioch Univer­sity Los Angeles. Her profes­sional history includes many roles in the publish­ing indus­try includ­ing proof­read­ing, book editing, and web design­ing. She is thrilled to be part of a commu­nity that shares her values and commit­ment to making posi­tive change. (Email)

Staff Aline Assaf 24 25

Aline Assaf

Aline is the assis­tant to the head of school and board of trustees and the busi­ness office asso­ciate. Aline holds a bachelor’s degree in busi­ness admin­is­tra­tion and a master’s degree in econom­ics. After working at the Amer­i­can Univer­sity of Beirut for over 20 years in inter­nal audit, envi­ron­men­tal health safety and risk manage­ment, and contracts manage­ment, she made the deci­sion to move with her family to the United States follow­ing the devas­tat­ing Beirut explo­sion in 2020. Aline has two daugh­ters in college as well as a fur munchkin baby. She enjoys working out and photog­ra­phy to capture memo­ries for life. Her favorite quote is: Finding our best posi­tive vibes is the key to resilience.” – Unknown (Email)

Staff Lindsay Freund 2023

Lindsay Freund

Lindsay is the assis­tant direc­tor of devel­op­ment. Lindsay has a B.A. in psychol­ogy with a minor in art from Metro­pol­i­tan State Univer­sity of Denver and comes to us with more than 15 years of expe­ri­ence in the nonprofit sector, with a demon­strated track record of provid­ing detailed and orga­nized atten­tion to small insti­tu­tions such as ours. Lindsay has a love of animals (espe­cially elephants), hiking, nature, and plant-based cooking. Lindsay keeps very busy with a third-grader who is enrolled at Waverly. (Email)

Staff Stephanie Guttierez 24 25

Stephanie Gutier­rez

Stephanie is our school nurse. After complet­ing her bachelor’s degree in nursing from Cali­for­nia State Univer­sity, Fuller­ton, she worked as a nurse at St. John’s Hospi­tal in Orange, where she primar­ily worked in labor and deliv­ery. As a regis­tered nurse, Stephanie helps support the health of students and staff. (Email)

Staff Carlos Aldaco 24 25

Carlos Aldaco

Carlos is a facil­i­ties manager and Waverly’s campus super power. His work has been a key to daily life at school since he joined the staff in 2012. Carlos is a crafts­man, apply­ing skills as a tech­ni­cian, painter, plumber, elec­tri­cian, carpen­ter, and space problem solver. He fixes anything that needs it and makes major improve­ments, too, includ­ing remod­el­ing of the art studio, recon­fig­u­ra­tion of many offices and class­rooms, and instal­la­tion of the patio surface at the high school. He is unflap­pable and meets all dead­lines, even the unrea­son­able ones. When he’s not keeping Waverly running, Carlos enjoys camping with his friends and family.

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Luis Jovel

Luis is a facil­i­ties manager. More infor­ma­tion to come!

Staff Rebecca Fields 24 25

Rebecca Fields

Rebecca is the High School admin­is­tra­tive assis­tant. She has her B.F.A. in theater from Pace Univer­sity, New York City with concen­tra­tions in direct­ing and screen­writ­ing. She has over 10 years of expe­ri­ence with support­ing admin­is­tra­tive profes­sion­als, in indus­tries such as health­care, finan­cial services, and various nonprofit orga­ni­za­tions. She is delighted to bring her services to such a support­ive and encour­ag­ing commu­nity. In her spare time, she writes and produces films with her fiancé, and loves to travel to new places. (Email)

MS Staff Aaron Rogers 24-25

Aaron Rodgers

Aaron is the Middle School admin­is­tra­tive assis­tant and Middle School program coor­di­na­tor. They bring to Waverly a broad range of expe­ri­ence in infor­ma­tion tech­nol­ogy, donor data­bases, customer service, and after­school and summer camp programs in progres­sive school settings. Aaron has lived all over Los Angeles and still has more to explore. In their free time, they love to hike and camp. (Email)

Staff Susie Guttierez 24 25

Susie Gutier­rez

Susie is the Elemen­tary School admin­is­tra­tive assis­tant. Susie is currently working on her bachelor’s degree in crim­i­nal justice at Cali­for­nia State Univer­sity, Dominguez Hills and is a certi­fied lash tech­ni­cian. A native of El Sereno, when she is not at Waverly, she loves spend­ing time with her family doing all things Disney. She is the proud mom of a Waverly student, class of 2037, and a toddler. (Email)

Staff Jeremy Bartolo 24 25

Jeremy Bartolo

Jeremy is the substi­tute teacher coor­di­na­tor and high school basket­ball coach at Waverly. Jeremy has expe­ri­ence with human resources and staffing and brings a wealth of coach­ing, athletic train­ing, personal train­ing, and manage­ment expe­ri­ence to Waverly. Jeremy received dual certi­fi­ca­tion associate’s degrees in history and kine­si­ol­ogy from Saddle­back College and attended Cali­for­nia State Univer­sity, San Bernardino, where he played basket­ball. He was recruited from CSUSB to pursue a profes­sional basket­ball career in the Philip­pines and China. Jeremy is also a Certi­fied Personal Trainer through NASM (National Academy of Sports Medi­cine) and holds an EXOS Perfor­mance Special­ist Certi­fi­ca­tion. He has a strong belief that the expe­ri­ences learned and shared through sports compe­ti­tion can act as a metaphor for the situ­a­tions we face in our daily lives and through these expe­ri­ences students can develop the skills of team­work, disci­pline, consis­tency, humil­ity, and compas­sion. (Email)