Health Updates

This page serves as a resource for updates regard­ing Waverly’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. We will continue to commu­ni­cate impor­tant updates to our fami­lies via email, and we will regu­larly post addi­tional resources on this page.

2024 – 2025 School Year

Updated: Septem­ber 4, 2024

Below are the COVID proto­cols that The Waverly School is follow­ing, in line with the guide­lines from the Cali­for­nia Depart­ment of Public Health. Here’s a quick overview of our updated proto­col for the new school year:

  • Isola­tion: If a commu­nity member is symp­to­matic or has a fever, the minimum isola­tion period is 24 hours. If no symp­toms are present, they can come to school without needing to isolate. However, if symp­toms develop later, please follow the symp­to­matic guide­lines. All symp­to­matic and asymp­to­matic students are required to wear masks indoors for 10 days. You can find excep­tions in the detailed protocol below.
  • Close Contact Proto­col: There are no changes here. Follow­ing Los Angeles and Pasadena County guide­lines, we will notify you if your student has been exposed to COVID. We recom­mend a COVID test 3 – 5 days after expo­sure and suggest masking indoors for 10 days after exposure.

We truly appre­ci­ate your under­stand­ing and coop­er­a­tion during these times. These measures are in place to keep our whole school commu­nity safe and healthy. For refer­ence, please see the COVID protocol below.

COVID Proto­col

  • Students testing posi­tive for COVID (day 0 is the day symp­toms started or the day they tested posi­tive, day 1 is the follow­ing day, etc.) can return once they are:
    • Fever-free for 24 hours without the use of fever reduc­ing medica­tion (i.e., Tylenol or any medica­tion containing acetaminophen)
    • Symp­toms are mild and improving


    • Feeling well enough to be at school.
  • They can be testing posi­tive upon return if they meet the previous criteria
  • If your student was asymp­to­matic during the initial isola­tion period and devel­ops symp­toms later on, then please follow the proto­col in the first bullet point.

Masking Require­ments

  • If your student will be return­ing before day 11 (day 0 is the day symp­toms started or the day they tested posi­tive, day 1 is the follow­ing day, etc.), they must mask while indoors through day 10
    • Unless they have tested nega­tive twice with 24 hours in between testing, then they do not have to mask after the second negative test.

COVID-19 Infor­ma­tion & Resources

Vacci­na­tion Infor­ma­tion (CA Dept. of Public Health)

  • Waverly is strongly encour­ag­ing fami­lies to have their 5 – 11-year-old chil­dren vacci­nated to support the health and safety of our campus.

Los Angeles County Depart­ment of Public Health
Centers for Disease Control and Preven­tion (CDC): English | Español
Cali­for­nia Depart­ment of Public Health: English | Español
Pasadena Public Health Depart­ment
Hand-washing steps using the WHO Tech­nique by Johns Hopkins Medi­cine (Video)
Just for Kids: A Comic Explor­ing the New Coro­n­avirus by Malaka Gharib (NPR)