Admissions Process

Apply­ing to Preschool and Kindergarten

Waverly’s preschool and elemen­tary school are devel­op­men­tal and theme-based, foster­ing curios­ity, imag­i­na­tion, creativ­ity, and a love of learn­ing. Our admis­sion process allows us to get to know your child and family while giving you the oppor­tu­nity to get to know Waverly. To start the process, please follow the steps below.

  • Submit an Inquiry - To start the process, please complete an inquiry form, which will give you access to our admis­sion Parent Portal. From there, you can regis­ter for admis­sion events and get started on a Waverly appli­ca­tion. You can submit an inquiry at any point before apply­ing for admission. 

  • Visit Us — After you complete an inquiry, you will have access to your Waverly Parent Portal. From there, you will access your admis­sion check­list, complete an appli­ca­tion, and regis­ter for any upcom­ing admis­sion events, such as a Campus Tour or Open House. We strongly encour­age you to attend an Open House.

  • Apply — Submit your appli­ca­tion in your Parent Portal. There is a non-refund­able $100 appli­ca­tion fee. The 2025 – 2026 appli­ca­tion dead­line is January 21. Apply by Decem­ber 6 to guar­an­tee a parent/​guardian interview. 

  • Parent Inter­view - Once you have submit­ted your appli­ca­tion, you will sched­ule a parent/​caregiver interview. 

  • Sched­ule a Play­date - All preschool and kinder­garten appli­cants attend a play­date visit and assess­ment on January 25. They come to campus and engage in small group activ­i­ties with Waverly faculty. No prepa­ra­tion is needed. Sched­ule your child’s play­date after you apply in the Parent Portal. 

  • Submit Support­ing Mate­ri­als — 
    • Teacher Recom­men­da­tion Forms- We strongly recom­mend a teacher recom­men­da­tion form be submit­ted. All appli­cant mate­ri­als are due before February 2.

      Teacher recom­men­da­tions must be submit­ted via your admis­sions portal or in a sealed letter­head enve­lope from the appro­pri­ate school [helpful tip: provide addressed and stamped envelopes to your child’s teach­ers along with the recom­men­da­tion form(s)]. Down­load a teacher recom­men­da­tion form (PDF):



  • Deci­sion Noti­fi­ca­tion - Admis­sion noti­fi­ca­tions are sent to families electronically.

Preschool and Elemen­tary School | Important Dates

  • Satur­day, October 2 — Flex­i­ble Tuition Night

  • Satur­day, October 5 — Farm Open House

  • Tuesday, Novem­ber 12 — Early Child­hood Educa­tion (ECE) Night

  • Satur­day, Novem­ber 16 — Campus Open House

  • Satur­day, Decem­ber 14 — Campus Open House

  • Tuesday, January 21 — Application Deadline

  • Satur­day, January 25 — Preschool and Kindergarten Playdate

  • Sunday, Febru­ary 2 — Flex­i­ble Tuition and supple­men­tal appli­ca­tion docu­ments due, includ­ing tran­scripts and teacher recommendations.

  • Friday, March 7 — Deci­sion noti­fi­ca­tions are sent to families

Apply­ing to Elemen­tary School (1st through 6th)

Waverly’s elemen­tary school is devel­op­men­tal and theme-based, foster­ing curios­ity, imag­i­na­tion, creativ­ity, and a love of learn­ing. Our admis­sion process allows us to get to know your child and family while giving you the oppor­tu­nity to get to know Waverly. To start the process, please follow the steps below. 

  • Submit an Inquiry - To start the process, please complete an inquiry form, which will give you access to our admis­sion Parent Portal. From there, you can regis­ter for admis­sion events and get started on a Waverly appli­ca­tion. You can submit an inquiry at any point before apply­ing for admission. 

  • Visit Us — After you complete an inquiry, you will have access to your Waverly Parent Portal. From there, you will access your admis­sion check­list, complete an appli­ca­tion, and regis­ter for any upcom­ing admis­sion events, such as a Campus Tour or Open House. We strongly encour­age you to attend an Open House.

  • Apply — Submit your appli­ca­tion in your Parent Portal. There is a non-refund­able $100 appli­ca­tion fee. The 2025 – 2026 prior­ity appli­ca­tion dead­line is January 21, 2025. Apply by Decem­ber 6, 2024 to guar­an­tee a parent/​guardian interview. 

  • Parent Inter­view - Once you have submit­ted your appli­ca­tion, you will sched­ule a parent/​caregiver interview. 

  • Sched­ule a Student Visit Day - All first through sixth-grade appli­cants sched­ule a Student Visit on a day when school is in session. Your child will have a chance to partic­i­pate in class and do activ­i­ties with other students. No prepa­ra­tion is needed. Sched­ule your visit day after you apply in the Parent Portal. 

  • Submit Support­ing Mate­ri­als — All appli­cant mate­ri­als are due before February 2. 
    • Teacher Recom­men­da­tion Forms
      • Second through 12th-grade appli­cants need two teacher recom­men­da­tions. Younger grades need one recom­men­da­tion. Complete the top portion of the form and deliver it to the applicant’s current core teacher.

      • Teacher recom­men­da­tions must be submit­ted via your admis­sions portal or in a sealed letter­head enve­lope from the appro­pri­ate school [helpful tip: provide addressed and stamped envelopes to your child’s teach­ers along with the recom­men­da­tion form(s)]. Down­load a teacher recom­men­da­tion form (PDF):

        1st and 2nd Grade

        3rd through 6th Grade

  • Tran­scripts — Complete the Tran­script Release Form and submit it to the applicant’s current school (required for 1st grade and above). Tran­scripts must be submit­ted via your admis­sions portal or in sealed letter­head envelopes from the appro­pri­ate school. Down­load a tran­script request form (PDF).

Deci­sion Noti­fi­ca­tion - Admis­sion noti­fi­ca­tions are sent to families electronically.

Elemen­tary School | Important Dates

  • Satur­day, October 2 — Flex­i­ble Tuition Night

  • Satur­day, October 5 — Farm Open House

  • Satur­day, Novem­ber 16 — Campus Open House

  • Satur­day, Decem­ber 14 — Campus Open House

  • Friday, January 10 — Elemen­tary School Visit Day

  • Tuesday, January 21 — Application Deadline

  • Sunday, Febru­ary 2 — Flex­i­ble Tuition and supple­men­tal appli­ca­tion docu­ments due, includ­ing tran­scripts and teacher recommendations.

  • Friday, March 7 — Deci­sion noti­fi­ca­tions are sent to families

Apply­ing to Middle School (7th and 8th)

Waverly’s middle school program is built on our belief that 7th and 8th-grade students require a unique approach. Our approach provides students with the skills and habits needed to support the acad­e­mic demands of middle school while also nurtur­ing their personal growth. This focus and care equip students to move from our middle school program to our high school program knowing them­selves well, knowing how they learn best, and ready to succeed in the acad­e­mic chal­lenges of being in high school. To start the admis­sion process, please follow the steps below. 

  • Submit an Inquiry - To start the process, please complete an inquiry form, which will give you access to our admis­sion Parent Portal. From there, you can regis­ter for admis­sion events and get started on a Waverly appli­ca­tion. You can submit an inquiry at any point before apply­ing for admission. 

  • Visit Us — After you complete an inquiry, you will have access to your Waverly Parent Portal. From there, you will access your admis­sion check­list, complete an appli­ca­tion, and regis­ter for any upcom­ing admis­sion events, such as a Campus Tour or Open House. We strongly encour­age you to attend an Open House.

  • Apply — Submit your appli­ca­tion in your Parent Portal. There is a non-refund­able $100 appli­ca­tion fee. The 2025 – 2026 prior­ity appli­ca­tion dead­line is January 21. Apply by Decem­ber 6 to guar­an­tee a parent/​guardian interview. 

  • Parent Inter­view - Once you have submit­ted your appli­ca­tion, you will sched­ule a parent/​caregiver interview. 

  • Appli­cants Attend the Middle School Visit Day - All middle school appli­cants, seventh and eighth grade, attend the Waverly Middle School Visit Day on Febru­ary 5 from 8:30 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

  • Submit Support­ing Mate­ri­als — All appli­cant mate­ri­als are due before February 2. 
    • Teacher Recom­men­da­tion Forms
      • Middle school appli­cants need two teacher recom­men­da­tions. Younger grades need one recom­men­da­tion. Complete the top portion of the form and deliver it to the applicant’s current core teacher.

      • Teacher recom­men­da­tions must be submit­ted via your admis­sions portal or in a sealed letter­head enve­lope from the appro­pri­ate school [helpful tip: provide addressed and stamped envelopes to your child’s teach­ers along with the recom­men­da­tion form(s)]. Down­load a teacher recom­men­da­tion form (PDF):

        Middle School and High School (7th through 12th)

  • Tran­scripts — Complete the Tran­script Release Form and submit it to the applicant’s current school (required for 1st grade and above). Tran­scripts must be submit­ted via your admis­sions portal or in sealed letter­head envelopes from the appro­pri­ate school. Down­load a tran­script request form (PDF).

Deci­sion Noti­fi­ca­tion - Admis­sion noti­fi­ca­tions are sent to families electronically.

Middle School | Important Dates

  • Satur­day, October 2 — Flex­i­ble Tuition Night

  • Satur­day, October 5 — Farm Open House

  • Satur­day, Novem­ber 16 — Campus Open House

  • Satur­day, Decem­ber 14 — Campus Open House

  • Tuesday, January 21 — Application Deadline

  • Sunday, Febru­ary 2 — Flex­i­ble Tuition and supple­men­tal appli­ca­tion docu­ments due, includ­ing tran­scripts and teacher recommendations.
  • Wednes­day, Febru­ary 5 — Middle School Visit Day
  • Friday, March 7 — Deci­sion noti­fi­ca­tions are sent to families

Apply­ing to High School (9th through 12th)

Waverly’s high school is a tight-knit commu­nity offer­ing a chal­leng­ing and engag­ing college prepara­tory program that gives students oppor­tu­ni­ties to explore their passions while expos­ing them to new oppor­tu­ni­ties. As a result, our Waverly grad­u­ates are curious, confi­dent, and creative leaders in the world. To start the admis­sion process, please follow the steps below. 

  • Submit an Inquiry - To start the process, please complete an inquiry form, which will give you access to our admis­sion Parent Portal. From there, you can regis­ter for admis­sion events and get started on a Waverly appli­ca­tion. You can submit an inquiry at any point before apply­ing for admission. 

  • Visit Us — After you complete an inquiry, you will have access to your Waverly Parent Portal. From there, you will access your admis­sion check­list, complete an appli­ca­tion, and regis­ter for any upcom­ing admis­sion events, such as a Campus Tour or Open House. We strongly encour­age you to attend an Open House.

  • Apply — Submit your appli­ca­tion in your Parent Portal. There is a non-refund­able $100 appli­ca­tion fee. The 2025 – 2026 prior­ity appli­ca­tion dead­line is January 21. Apply by Decem­ber 6 to guar­an­tee a parent/​guardian interview. 

  • Parent Inter­view - Once you have submit­ted your appli­ca­tion, you will sched­ule a parent/​caregiver interview. 

  • Appli­cants Attend a High School Visit Day - All high school appli­cants attend a Waverly High School Visit Day. Visit Days happen between January 14 and Febru­ary 27 (T, W, TH from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m.)

  • Submit Support­ing Mate­ri­als — All appli­cant mate­ri­als are due before February 2. 
    • Teacher Recom­men­da­tion Forms
      • High school appli­cants need two teacher recom­men­da­tions. Younger grades need one recom­men­da­tion. Complete the top portion of the form and deliver it to the applicant’s current core teacher.

      • Teacher recom­men­da­tions must be submit­ted via your admis­sions portal or in a sealed letter­head enve­lope from the appro­pri­ate school [helpful tip: provide addressed and stamped envelopes to your child’s teach­ers along with the recom­men­da­tion form(s)]. Down­load a teacher recom­men­da­tion form (PDF):

        Middle School and High School (7th through 12th)

  • Tran­scripts — Complete the Tran­script Release Form and submit it to the applicant’s current school (required for 1st grade and above). Tran­scripts must be submit­ted via your admis­sions portal or in sealed letter­head envelopes from the appro­pri­ate school. Down­load a tran­script request form (PDF).

Deci­sion Noti­fi­ca­tion - Admis­sion noti­fi­ca­tions are sent to families electronically.

High School | Important Dates

  • Satur­day, October 2 — Flex­i­ble Tuition Night

  • Thurs­day, October 24 — High School Visit Night for Prospective Parents

  • Satur­day, Novem­ber 16 — Campus Open House

  • Satur­day, Decem­ber 14 — Campus Open House

  • Tuesday, January 21 — Application Deadline

  • Tuesday, January 14 through Febru­ary 27 — High School Visit Days for Student Applicants

  • Sunday, Febru­ary 2 — Flex­i­ble Tuition and supple­men­tal appli­ca­tion docu­ments due, includ­ing tran­scripts and teacher recommendations.

  • Friday, March 7 — Deci­sion noti­fi­ca­tions are sent to families