
One of the primary acad­e­mic goals at Waverly is that each student works to his or her highest poten­tial. This is also true in sports, which enrich student life and the school commu­nity. We believe that partic­i­pa­tion in sports can contribute signif­i­cantly to the phys­i­cal, social, and emotional well-being of our students. Athletes are encour­aged to develop their skills and ability to work as a team. As a result, our coaches focus on maxi­miz­ing the partic­i­pa­tion of all team members. Success is measured in terms of personal devel­op­ment and the team’s overall progress.

The athlet­ics program allows students to compete at the middle school level (which includes grades 5th through 8th) in fall, winter, and spring sports in the Foothill League. Sports include flag foot­ball, volley­ball, basket­ball, tennis, and soccer. The high school athletic program allows students to compete in cross-country, soccer, tennis, volley­ball, basket­ball, and track in the Inter­na­tional League, affil­i­ated with the Cali­for­nia Inter­scholas­tic Feder­a­tion (CIF).


The follow­ing are require­ments for athletic partic­i­pa­tion for all Waverly student athletes. Participants must:

  • Main­tain a satis­fac­tory acad­e­mic and behavioral record. 
  • Be punc­tual and main­tain consis­tent atten­dance at school.
  • Be present at school through­out the day of a contest in order to compete.
  • Complete medical exam­i­na­tions prior to first prac­tice and competition.
  • Have a trans­porta­tion permis­sion slip on file.
  • Attend all prac­tices, games, and tour­na­ments while adher­ing to team rules as commu­ni­cated by team coaches.
  • Strive for exem­plary behav­ior at all times. Waverly athletes are subject to the expec­ta­tions, poli­cies, and conse­quences of the Parent/​Student Hand­book at school, school events, team prac­tices, and games.

Failure to follow these guide­lines may result in the loss of team participation.

Athletes are also strongly encour­aged to attend the awards event in the spring, which recog­nizes team and individual accomplishments.


Some of the high­lights of the athlet­ics program in recent years include:

  • The high school boys’ basket­ball team made CIF play­offs in 2019.
  • The girls’ middle school soccer team was unde­feated in the spring of 2019 and were divi­sion winners, finish­ing in 2nd place.
  • The middle school boys’ flag foot­ball and girls’ volley­ball teams went to play­offs in the Foothill Sports League in 2018.
  • The high school coed soccer team expanded in the 2018 – 2019 year because of increased inter­est from students. The coed soccer team won the 2018 7x7 soccer championship.
  • The middle school started a coed tennis team in 2017, and the high school started a coed tennis team in 2018.

For ques­tions about the athlet­ics program, please e‑mail athletic direc­tor, Kimberly Brandon.