Meet the Preschool Team


Waverly’s preschool teach­ers have substan­tial knowl­edge of child devel­op­ment, years of expe­ri­ence working with young chil­dren, and a strong commit­ment to the philos­o­phy of the preschool program.

Faculty Rodarte Connie

Connie Rodarte

Connie is the preschool direc­tor. Connie has a B.A. in Spanish and human devel­op­ment from the Univer­sity of Cali­for­nia, Davis. She previ­ously worked at The Little Preschool as a preschool teacher and summer program direc­tor. Connie says, Every day is a new learn­ing oppor­tu­nity when working with chil­dren. Their daily discov­er­ies serve as a reminder of the impor­tance of creat­ing an envi­ron­ment that supports their devel­op­men­tal needs.” (Email)

Faculty Birito Stephanie

Stephanie Brito

Stephanie is the preschool asso­ciate teacher. Stephanie grad­u­ated with a bachelor’s in child devel­op­ment from Cal Poly Humboldt. Most recently, she worked at Altadena Chil­dren’s Center with the toddler group. (Email)

PS Faculty Marina Dahlen 2023

Marina Dahlen

Marina is a preschool lead teacher. She has an A.A. degree from the College of the Redwoods with an empha­sis in early child­hood educa­tion. Marina is one of the found­ing teach­ers of The Waverly School and has worked with young chil­dren for more than 30 years. Marina says, I am inspired by how the students are willing to teach as much as they are willing to learn.” Marina’s son Emmett 08 grad­u­ated from Waverly. (Email)

Photo not available

Alexia Ramirez

Alexia is a preschool lead teacher. She grad­u­ated from Cali­for­nia State Univer­sity, Fuller­ton with a B.S. in child and adoles­cent studies and has worked with chil­dren from birth through tran­si­tional kinder­garten. Before joining us at Waverly, Alexia was a lead preschool teacher at Discov­ery Days Preschool. (Email)