Meet the Faculty


At Waverly, students are led by knowl­edge­able, caring teach­ers deeply commit­ted to a devel­op­men­tal approach. With their wide range of influ­ences and belief in inte­grated learn­ing, Waverly’s elemen­tary teach­ers create engag­ing and dynamic classrooms.

ES Faculty Milca Adamczyk 24 25

Milca Adam­czyk

Milca is a 1st/​2nd co-lead teacher. Milca has a B.A. in art history with a minor in anthro­pol­ogy, an M.F.A., and a Multi­ple Subject Teach­ing Creden­tial from Cali­for­nia State Univer­sity, Los Angeles. Prior to coming to Waverly, Milca substi­tute taught in Spanish Dual Immer­sion class­rooms in South Pasadena USD and was on the faculty of the Creative World Art Camp held at our campus during summer. (Email)

ES Faculty Maria Brown 24 25

Maria Brown

Maria is the kinder­garten asso­ciate teacher. Maria has worked with chil­dren for more than 25 years and has been with Waverly since its days as a preschool. Of her work, Maria says, It gives me joy to watch the chil­dren grow year after year and see how they become passion­ate artists, confi­dent speak­ers, talented musi­cians, and kind young adults who love us all for being part of their journey.” Maria’s two daugh­ters attend Waverly: Aaliyah in 10th grade and Natalie in 12th grade. (Email)

ES Faculty Lisa Chung Nguyen 24 25

Lisa Chung-Nguyen

Lisa Chung-Nguyen is a 3rd/​4th grade lead teacher. Orig­i­nally from Arcadia, Lisa taught at The Berke­ley School in the Bay Area for past eleven years as a third-grade teacher. She has exten­sive expe­ri­ence design­ing and instruct­ing using differ­en­ti­ated curricu­lum, as well as creat­ing cross-disci­pli­nary project-based learn­ing oppor­tu­ni­ties. Lisa is also passion­ate about helping students navi­gate social inter­ac­tions and build commu­nity in the class­room, and she is skilled at balanc­ing indi­vid­ual and commu­nity needs. Lisa has a Bach­e­lor of Arts in English Liter­a­ture, with a minor in educa­tion from UCLA, and a Master of Arts in Elemen­tary Education/​Teaching Creden­tial from Teach­ers College, Colum­bia Univer­sity. (Email)

ES Faculty Stina Clinton 24 25

Stina Clinton

Stina is a 5th/​6th co-lead teacher. Stina has a B.A. in English and a Cali­for­nia Single Subject Teach­ing Creden­tial in Language Arts from Cali­for­nia State Univer­sity, Los Angeles. Stina is commit­ted to creat­ing emer­gent, project-based social studies units that empha­size multi­ple perspec­tives and crit­i­cal think­ing and to engag­ing her students in service-learn­ing projects. She is passion­ate about progres­sive, student-centered educa­tion. (Email)

ES Faculty Katie Cohelan 24 25

Katie Cohelan

Katie is the kinder­garten lead teacher. Katie has a Bachelor’s in Inter­na­tional Studies and Spanish from Pitzer College, a Master’s in Educa­tion and a Cali­for­nia Teach­ing Creden­tial from the Univer­sity of the Pacific/​Bay Area Teacher Train­ing Insti­tute. With six years of expe­ri­ence teach­ing kinder­garten and first grade, Katie believes learn­ing should be joyous and student led. Her goal is for every child to develop a posi­tive iden­tity as a learner as they deepen their aware­ness of them­selves and others. (Email)

ES Faculty Gisselle De Anda 24 25

Gisselle De Anda

Gisselle is a 1st/​2nd asso­ciate teacher. She earned her bach­e­lor’s degree in psychol­ogy from Mount Saint Mary’s Univer­sity. Before start­ing at Waverly, she interned at Chil­dren’s Bureau and helped run the Library and Family Enrich­ment Program. She started at Waverly as a substi­tute teacher and worked for the summer camp. Gisselle loves to read, go to concerts, and spend her time watch­ing movies. Her hope is to make sure every student feels seen and heard and to know how impor­tant it is for them to be them­selves. (Email)

ES Faculty Sahaj Kashyap 24 25

Sahaj Kashyap

Sahaj is a 1st/​2nd co-lead teacher. Sahaj has a B.A. in soci­ol­ogy from the Univer­sity of Cali­for­nia, Berke­ley and an M.A. in educa­tion admin­is­tra­tion and a teach­ing creden­tial from Cali­for­nia State Univer­sity, North­ridge. He appre­ci­ates working at Waverly because acad­e­mics can be approached differ­ently to include all learn­ing styles. The class­room is a chem­istry exper­i­ment in and of itself. We have distinct person­al­i­ties and diverse mixtures that lead to unique results and expe­ri­ences every year.” Sahaj enjoys Hatha yoga, playing basket­ball, and explor­ing science. (Email)

ES Faculty Dharrine Perera Myers 24 25

Dharinne Perera-Myers

Dharinne is a 3rd/​4th lead teacher. Dharinne has a B.A. in human devel­op­ment and a Multi­ple Subject Teach­ing Creden­tial from Pacific Oaks College. She completed a Certifi­cate in Educa­tional Therapy at Univer­sity of Cali­for­nia, River­side in 2023. In addi­tion to teach­ing in elemen­tary class­rooms, Dharinne has devel­oped and imple­mented eques­trian programs for Tom Sawyer Camps and has also served as a Behav­ioral Ther­a­pist in the B.L.A.S.T. Program. Dharinne has a back­ground in Visions Inclu­siv­ity Train­ing and Respon­sive Class­room, and she is commit­ted to child-centered educa­tion. (Email)

ES Faculty Brittany Reynolds 24 25

Brit­tany Reynolds

Brit­tany is a 1st/​2nd lead teacher as well as an Elemen­tary School curricu­lum special­ist. Brit­tany holds a B.A. in psychol­ogy and fine art/​art history from Buck­nell Univer­sity, a Multi­ple Subject Creden­tial from CalState TEACH, an Early Child­hood Educa­tion Certifi­cate from UCLA Exten­sion, and a Master’s in Teach­ing with a focus on social justice, multi­cul­tur­al­ism, and action research from Cali­for­nia State Univer­sity, Fresno. Brit­tany believes that all students should be given the space and oppor­tu­nity to love learn­ing and to realize that there is so much that can be uncov­ered through the learn­ing process. She says, The class­room is set up to meet varying student needs in a variety of learn­ing expe­ri­ences. In this envi­ron­ment, students are given the space and support to take risks, ask ques­tions, and express them­selves.” (Email)

ES Faculty Millie Schacher 24 25

Millie Schacher

Millie is a 3rd/​4th grade asso­ciate teacher. Millie was previ­ously an elemen­tary school music teacher and long-term substi­tute at Waverly. She also has previ­ous expe­ri­ence working in summer camps and children’s theater work­shops. Millie loves to read, write, explore nature, and create murder mystery parties. Her fore­most hope this year is to instill in our students empathy for them­selves as well as others.” (Email)

ES Faculty Jason Serrano 24 25

Jason Serrano

Jason is a 5th/​6th co-lead teacher. He earned his Bachelor’s degree from Cali­for­nia State Univer­sity, North­ridge and has worked in educa­tion for over 25 years. Before coming to Waverly, Jason spent six years working as a co-teacher in grades 3 – 5 at Braw­er­man Elemen­tary. Jason shares that he has a passion for connect­ing with students and support­ing them socially and emotion­ally. When their social-emotional needs are met, their acad­e­mics begin to flour­ish.” (Email)

ES Faculty Claire Walker 24 25

Claire Walker

Claire is a 5th/​6th asso­ciate teacher. Claire grad­u­ated from Vassar College in 2021 with a bachelor’s degree in English liter­a­ture, special­iz­ing in poetry and creative writing. She is also currently working on her teach­ing creden­tial through Cal State Teach. She enjoys creative pursuits and loves to sew, collage, and write, as well as spend time reading, hiking, cooking, and being with friends, family, and two cats. (Email)

ES Faculty Kelcey Wallens Logan 24 25

Kelcey Wallens-Logan

Kelcey is a 3rd/​4th asso­ciate teacher. Kelcey grad­u­ated from Barnard College with a degree in envi­ron­men­tal science, chem­istry, and educa­tion studies. Kelcey is an avid knitter, metal­smith, roller skater, rock climber, and (newly!) scuba diver. She plans to pursue a Master’s in educa­tion and multi­ple subject creden­tial and build her skills as a career educa­tor. (Email)

ES Faculty Karen Yenofsky 24 25

Karen Yenof­sky

Karen is a 5th/​6th lead teacher as well as an Elemen­tary School curricu­lum special­ist. Karen grad­u­ated from Arizona State Univer­sity with a Bachelor’s in Human and Family Devel­op­ment as well as a Master’s of Educa­tion, Educa­tional Admin­is­tra­tion and Super­vi­sion. Karen has been teach­ing for the last 18 years and, prior to coming to Waverly, was teach­ing and working as the Direc­tor of Educa­tional Initia­tives at Braw­er­man Elemen­tary School since 2016. In this role, she taught in the upper elemen­tary and provided support and coach­ing for the 1st-6th grade teach­ers in curricu­lum and instruc­tion. She has researched curric­ula, imple­mented project-based learn­ing, and culti­vated a devel­op­men­tally appro­pri­ate program empha­siz­ing whole child expe­ri­ences. She also brings her expe­ri­ence working with BLAST (a social skills program that works with chil­dren with and without diag­noses to build their social-emotional, inter­per­sonal, and conflict-reso­lu­tion skills). As an educa­tor, I firmly believe that every student is capable of excel­lence; acad­e­mic, behav­ioral, and emotional excel­lence.” (Email)