Meet the Faculty


Waverly’s middle school teach­ers are a welcom­ing cohort of expe­ri­enced instruc­tors who work together to create an inter­con­nected program specif­i­cally geared to the chang­ing, some­times chal­leng­ing needs of middle school students. Under their teach­ers’ guid­ance, middle school students partic­i­pate actively in learning.

MS Faculty Jennifer De Boskey 24 25

Jennifer DeBoskey

Jennifer teaches math in the Middle School. She is a grad­u­ate of Kansas State Univer­sity where she earned her under­grad­u­ate degree in kine­si­ol­ogy and, more recently, a master’s degree in math­e­mat­ics curricu­lum and instruc­tion. She also has her law degree from Loyola Law School in Los Angeles. Jennifer has taught all ages from kinder­garten to high school, but has spent most of her time as an educa­tor working with her favorite popu­la­tion, middle school students. When not teach­ing, Jennifer enjoys trav­el­ing the world with her two teenage chil­dren and husband of more than 20 years. (Email)

MS Faculty Grace Hess Quimbita 24 25

Grace Hess-Quim­bita

Grace teaches the Middle School farm elec­tive and provides math support to Middle School students. She also teaches chem­istry and intro­duc­tion to phys­i­cal sciences in the High School. Grace has a B.A. in chem­istry from Occi­den­tal College, an M.S. in chem­istry from the Univer­sity of Cali­for­nia, San Diego, and a Ph.D. in higher educa­tion and adult devel­op­ment from the Univer­sity of Cali­for­nia, Los Angeles. Grace says, I am very happy that Waverly is a small school, which helps me to genuinely and person­ally provide the right level of chal­lenge balanced with tons of scaf­fold­ing and support uniquely suited for each student.” Grace’s two chil­dren grad­u­ated from Waverly – Nicholas 20 and Sophia 17. (Email)

MS Faculty Christine Castor 24 25

Chris­tine Matos

Chris­tine teaches Spanish in the Middle School. Chris­tine is a grad­u­ate of Cali­for­nia State Univer­sity, North­ridge, where she earned her degree in child and adoles­cent devel­op­ment. In her spare time, she enjoys party plan­ning, camping, paint­ing, and loves embark­ing on new adven­tures with her partner and her dog! (Email)

MS Faculty Toby Mc Donald Chou 24 25

Toby McDon­ald Chou

Toby teaches science and Japan­ese in the Middle School. She holds a B.A. in geog­ra­phy and envi­ron­men­tal studies with a minor in Japan­ese studies from the Univer­sity of Cali­for­nia, Los Angeles. Prior to coming to Waverly, Toby taught English and Amer­i­can history and culture in Japan’s public schools on the Japan Exchange Teach­ing Program. Toby supports her students by letting them know, It’s okay to fail, but never okay to give up…Persevering through chal­lenges is one of the most impor­tant skills students can develop.” Follow Toby’s science blog at science​with​toby​.net. (Email)

MS Faculty Emily Shea 24 25

Emily Shea

Emily teaches English in the Middle School. She holds a Bach­e­lor of Arts in English from Barnard College and a Master of Arts in Teach­ing Secondary English Language Arts from Lewis & Clark Grad­u­ate School. Outside of the class­room, Emily enjoys working on various creative projects such as writing, craft­ing, and collage, as well as spend­ing time outdoors hiking, back­pack­ing, and running. (Email)

MS Faculty Maronke Sims 24 25

Maronke Sims

Maronke teaches social studies in the Middle School. She holds a B.A. from Cali­for­nia State Univer­sity, North­ridge and has completed grad­u­ate level course­work in educa­tion from Cali­for­nia State Univer­sity, Dominguez Hills. Maronke was previ­ously a lead teacher at Chil­dren’s Commu­nity School and found­ing member, rotat­ing chair of the IDEA Group (Inclu­sive, Diver­sity, Equity Alliance), which was created to support faculty and staff in DEIJ peda­gogy and best prac­tices that align with anti-bias and anti-racist curricu­lum. She has exten­sive teach­ing expe­ri­ence in both private and public schools as well as expe­ri­ence as a DEIJ prac­ti­tioner. Maronke says, As an educa­tor and prac­ti­tioner, I am a fierce advo­cate for equity and inclu­sion and consider it my duty to empower our youngest gener­a­tion to think crit­i­cally about the world around them so they may grow into future change­mak­ers.” (Email)