
Ages 3 years and 9 months to 5 years

Preschool Program

Waverly’s preschool program focuses on expe­ri­en­tial learn­ing, play, and social-emotional growth, consis­tent with devel­op­men­tally appro­pri­ate prac­tice. Each school year, the preschool teach­ing team devel­ops a theme that fosters the children’s curios­ity, imag­i­na­tion, creativ­ity, and love of learn­ing. Within the theme, chil­dren explore concepts of science, math, the arts, and language. As the teach­ers learn the needs and inter­ests of the chil­dren, the teach­ers adjust their plans and allow the curricu­lum to emerge. This allows the chil­dren to be co-construc­tors of their own knowl­edge. The teach­ers value and respect each child as an indi­vid­ual and create an envi­ron­ment where each learns how to be a posi­tive member of the preschool commu­nity. The chil­dren learn to iden­tify their emotions, express them­selves in appro­pri­ate ways, and under­stand the perspec­tives and feel­ings of others. Time outdoors in unstruc­tured but supported play is an essen­tial part of early child­hood educa­tion; Waverly preschool­ers spend about half of the day outside. The preschool’s empha­sis on learn­ing through play and support­ing the social-emotional devel­op­ment of chil­dren provides chil­dren with a solid foun­da­tion as they enter elementary school. 

Waverly’s preschool program is licensed by the Cali­for­nia Depart­ment of Social Services. The program is designed for chil­dren aged three years and six months to five; younger chil­dren usually attend preschool for two years. The program is limited to 24 students and staffed by gifted and expe­ri­enced early child­hood educa­tors, includ­ing a director/​teacher and three full-time teach­ers. The preschool is located on the elemen­tary school campus.