
From preschool through high school, Waverly’s approach to educa­tion is guided by several common themes, holding that students learn best when they:

  • Are actively involved in their education
  • Become respon­si­ble for their growth as students
  • Are encour­aged to work to their highest level
  • Base learn­ing on life experiences

Our preschool, elemen­tary, middle, and high school programs are designed to respect and support chil­dren indi­vid­u­ally as they journey through the stages of learn­ing and to incor­po­rate all aspects of human devel­op­ment – social, phys­i­cal, aesthetic, and ethical. 

In preschool, the focus is on foster­ing children’s curios­ity, imag­i­na­tion, creativ­ity, and love of learn­ing primar­ily through play. Each teach­ing team in the elemen­tary school devel­ops a social studies theme for the school year that incor­po­rates language arts, math, science, the arts, and commu­nity service. The middle school program is designed to meet students’ needs for social and emotional support while strength­en­ing their acad­e­mic skills. High school offers a tightly knit commu­nity and a chal­leng­ing and engag­ing college preparatory program.