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The Waverly organic farm exists to allow students, their fami­lies, their teach­ers, and the broader commu­nity to engage nature on multi­ple levels. The scope of partic­i­pa­tion in the life of the farm is broad, ranging from active culti­va­tion and organic produc­tion to inven­tive play, hands-on learn­ing, and simple appre­ci­a­tion of nature. The farm also creates oppor­tu­ni­ties for elemen­tary, middle, and high school students to inter­act in ways that nurture cross-gener­a­tional mentor­ing, lead­er­ship skills, and social harmony. The intent is that the farm be inspi­ra­tional, exper­i­men­tal, educa­tional, and sustainable.

Located at 665 South Pasadena Avenue (within walking distance of the school) the farm is an outdoor class­room, not neces­sar­ily related to farming. Teach­ers take their classes to the farm to write, observe wildlife, and conduct science exper­i­ments. A plot for each class­room is avail­able if desired by the teacher. 

Chil­dren run, climb, dig, poke, observe, and actively explore a variety of exist­ing envi­ron­ments. The essence of the space is that it is complex, protected, and ever evolv­ing, which is valu­able in and of itself and raises multi­ple possi­bil­i­ties, each worthy of pursuit.

The farm contin­ues to develop, grow, and nurture the commu­nity, as well as provide new and expan­sive uses from year to year. If you have any ques­tions about our farm, e‑mail Waver­ly’s envi­ron­men­tal studies and outdoor educa­tion teacher Kevin Murawski. Also, be sure to check out the middle school farm blog here!