Narrative Assessment
Waverly’s progressive philosophy is effective in promoting student learning. Students are so immersed in their learning that by the end of the year there are observable changes in their development over a variety of wellness and learning categories. From preschool through 12th grade, Waverly uses formative assessment to evaluate students. These assessments reflect the range of development in students. Student progress is reflected in assessment checklists and narratives, teacher observation notes, informal faculty conversations, parent feedback, and student self-reflections.
A developmental checklist and student narrative report is posted in the parent portal, Waverly’s online communications system, to parents/guardians in February and June. Developmental assessments evaluate each student independently, rather than grading students against a standard or norm. Students are evaluated by their individual skills and abilities, and teachers look closely at how each student is progressing in academic and social areas. There is no relationship between developmental assessments and traditional grades, since students at Waverly are evaluated independently on their own progress throughout the year.