Annual Giving: The Waverly Fund

As with other inde­pen­dent (private) schools, tuition covers most, but not all, of the annual cost of educat­ing students at Waverly. Tax-deductible gifts to the Waverly Fund, as part of our annual fund campaign, make it possi­ble to meet the school’s annual oper­at­ing costs. Support from parents, grand­par­ents, alumni, alumni parents, faculty, staff, foun­da­tions, and other friends makes a daily impact on every Waverly student.

The Waverly Fund supports:

  • A socio-econom­i­cally diverse commu­nity through a strong tuition assistance program
  • The small class sizes and low teacher-student ratios that help students become confi­dent, curious, resourceful learners
  • Teach­ing that is further inspired and strength­ened with professional development
  • Ongoing facil­ity improve­ments for our build­ings, play­ground, and farm

Contri­bu­tions to Waverly are tax-deductible to the full amount allowed by law.