Waverly Summer Camp 2024

The Waverly Summer Camp will run for 8 weeks: June 17-August 9, 2024. Waverly Summer Camp is open to all students enter­ing kinder­garten through sixth grade. Fami­lies can create their own customiz­able sched­ule for their camper(s). We offer walk-up days as well! The Waverly Summer Camp will give chil­dren a chance to connect and play. There will be art projects, board games, sports, special events, and more!

The Waverly Summer Camp is directed by Jack Ander­son. Jack is the phys­i­cal educa­tion teacher and after-school direc­tor at The Waverly School. This will be his third summer direct­ing The Waverly Summer Camp after previ­ously working at Ander­son Adven­ture Camp for 11 summers.

Pricing : Early Bird Registration

Thank you for signing up for The Waverly Summer Camp 2024. We are very excited for all the fun that will be had this summer. Please click on the regis­tra­tion link that corre­sponds with the number of days you are signing up for. The more days you sign up for, the more you save! Please fill out the after­care form as well for any days your camper will need after­care. Please fill out one form per camper.

Fami­lies may sign up for any day(s) they would like, and customize their sched­ule to what­ever works for them. Walk-ups are allowed, and pre-regis­ter­ing is not required to enjoy a fun day at camp (as long as we have all forms already on file). The more days you sign up in advance, the more you save! The Early Bird Discount ends on March 31, 2024. After March 31, 2024, the cost per camper will be $69 per day.

Please note: there is a $100 non-refund­able registration fee.

Early Bird Sign Up 1 — 14 days ($69 a day): please click here to regis­ter.

Early Bird Sign Up 15 — 29 days ($64 a day): please click here to regis­ter.

Early Bird Sign Up 30 — 36 days ($59 a day): please click here to regis­ter.

Early Bird Sign Up All Summer ($55 a day): please click here to regis­ter.

After­care Sign Up ($27 per day): please click here to regis­ter.

Weekly Sched­ule & Main Event Schedule

Campers will be offered choices through­out the day. Each camper will be able to pick which activ­ity they would like to do during each time slot. There will always be a variety of options for campers to choose from such as art, sports/​physical activ­ity, and board games. 

Each day will include a main event such as Minute to Win It, Lego Creations, Water Relays, Scav­enger Hunt, and more.

For a detailed sample weekly sched­ule plus the 2024 main event sched­ule, please view this PDF.

Start­ing and Ending Times

Drop-off for the camp is from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 a.m. Chil­dren who arrive during this time will have free play up until 9:00 a.m. The camp day ends at 3:00 p.m., with pick-up from 2:55 p.m. to 3:15 p.m.


Chil­dren who would like to stay later, or who do not get picked up by 3:15 p.m., will be enrolled into after­care for an addi­tional charge of $27 per day. After­care runs from 3:15 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. All chil­dren must be picked up by 6:00 p.m. Any camper not picked up by 6:00 p.m. will be charged $1 per minute after 6:00 p.m.

Click here to regis­ter for after­care.


To ask any ques­tions please contact Jack Ander­son at jackanderson@​thewaverlyschool.​org.