Ways To Give

Gifts to Waverly can be made with a variety of assets and in several forms, includ­ing cash, checks, credit cards, and marketable securities.

Gifts of cash or by check

  • Complete this gift form
  • Mail or hand deliver form and payment to: The Waverly School, 67 W. Belle­vue Dr., Pasadena, CA 91105 to the atten­tion of the Development Office
  • Make checks payable to The Waverly School, noting the gift’s purpose (Waverly Fund, capital campaign, etc.) on the bottom left corner of the check
  • Please note: cash gifts should be hand-deliv­ered to the busi­ness or development office

Gifts by credit card

  • Make a gift online
  • Complete a gift form and mail or hand-deliver it to Waverly using the address above
  • Or call 626.792.5940 and ask for Lindsay Freund, Assis­tant Direc­tor of Devel­op­ment. She will take the needed infor­ma­tion and process the charge.

Gifts of appreciated stock

Contribut­ing appre­ci­ated stock to Waverly may offer donors two-fold savings by:

  • Provid­ing an income-tax deduc­tion for the full market value of the stock at the time of the gift and
  • Elim­i­nat­ing the capital gains tax on the increased value of the stock.

Let your bank or broker know that you wish to make a gift of stock/​securities to Waverly and provide them with Waverly’s account infor­ma­tion:

The Waverly School account via DTCC 0226 at National Financial Services:

National Finan­cial Services LLCNew­port Office Center III
499 Wash­ing­ton Blvd., Jersey City, NY 07310
F/B/O NFS account number OBP-545848

Please notify Carolyn Hom, Devel­op­ment Direc­tor, that you plan to make a gift of stock and ask your broker to let her know what the trans­fer will consist of and when it will be made so that we can make sure the trans­ac­tion is prop­erly completed and acknowl­edged. Carolyn can be reached by e‑mail, carolyn@​thewaverlyschool.​org, or by phone, 626.792.5940, ext. 242.

Corpo­rate matching gifts

Make the most of your gift! Many compa­nies offer match­ing gift programs to their employ­ees and their fami­lies. Please contact your human resources depart­ment to ask about match­ing gift opportunities.