Frequently Asked Questions

Where is Waverly located?

Waverly has three sepa­rate campuses and a one-acre organic farm within walking distance of each other in Pasadena, Cali­for­nia, 91105. Our campuses are conve­niently located near the 210 and 134 free­ways and are within walking distance from the Metro A (Blue) Line Del Mar station. 

Elemen­tary Campus (Preschool‑6)
67 W. Belle­vue Drive
(between Fair Oaks and Pasadena Avenues)

Middle School Campus (Grades 7 and 8)
120 Waverly Drive

High School Campus (Grades 9 – 12)
108 Waverly Drive

The Waverly Farm
665 South Pasadena Avenue

Busi­ness Office
124 Waverly Drive

Is Waverly accredited?

What is progressive education?

Though educa­tors have been chal­lenged in agree­ing upon a single defi­n­i­tion for progres­sive educa­tion, The Progres­sive Educa­tion Network (PEN) consen­sus builds around defin­ing prin­ci­ples which are embraced at The Waverly School at all grade levels.

What kind of a school is Waverly?

The Waverly School is a small, non-sectar­ian, coed­u­ca­tional, college prep, and devel­op­men­tal school serving grades Preschool through 12.

How many students are at Waverly?

Elemen­tary School – 180
Middle School – 60
High School – 120

Is the Waverly community diverse?

On average, 54% of our fami­lies iden­tify as fami­lies of color. As an essen­tial compo­nent of real­iz­ing its mission, Waverly fosters an envi­ron­ment in which indi­vid­ual differ­ences of race, ethnic­ity, biolog­i­cal sex, gender iden­tity, sexual orien­ta­tion, socioe­co­nomic circum­stance, national origin, immi­gra­tion status, ability and disabil­ity, phys­i­cal char­ac­ter­is­tics, reli­gious belief, and all aspects of iden­tity are acknowl­edged and cele­brated. For addi­tional infor­ma­tion about our objec­tives for equity and diver­sity, please see our mission state­ment.

Waverly is a member of The Alliance, POCIS, and A Better Chance.

What is the average class size?

Preschool has a maximum of 24 students with a preschool direc­tor and three full-time teachers.

Kinder­garten-6th grades have 25 students and two full-time teachers.

Middle School classes have 12 students per academic class.

High School classes have 12 students per academic class.

What are the school hours?

Elemen­tary School
Preschool: 8:45 a.m. to 2:45 p.m.
Kinder­garten through 6th-Grade: 8:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m.

Middle School
Grades 7 and 8: 8:30 a.m. to 3:10 p.m.

High School
Grades 9 – 12: 8:35 a.m. to 3:15 p.m.

At what age can a student join The Waverly Preschool?

Students must be three years and six months of age by July 1 to join our Preschool program. However, fami­lies are welcome to apply for younger students the follow­ing school year.

At what age can a student join kinder­garten at Waverly?

At Waverly, we prefer students to be five years of age by July 1 to join our kinder­garten class­room. However, we will eval­u­ate each child who is five years of age by Septem­ber 1 based on developmental readiness. 

How much is tuition at Waverly?

Please click here for updated tuition.

Does Waverly offer tuition assis­tance and how does it work?

Currently, 40% of our student body are on a Flex­i­ble Tuition plan. Click here for more infor­ma­tion about this process.

Does Waverly have sports teams?

Students in grades 5 through 12 may partic­i­pate on Waverly sports teams. Waverly competes in a friendly and compet­i­tive league with schools that are similar in size. Sports offered include co-ed soccer, boys’ and girls’ flag foot­ball, boys’ and girls’ volley­ball, boys’ and girls’ basket­ball, eques­trian, base­ball, tennis, cross country, and track and field. At Waverly, students aspire to compete for league cham­pi­onships while also support­ing team­mates who have never played the sport before. 

Does Waverly have after-school care?

Waverly runs an after-school program from dismissal until 6:00 p.m., for middle and elemen­tary school students, offer­ing sports, games, art, and many other activ­i­ties. Waverly faculty also teach a variety of after school enrich­ment classes through­out the school year. Our Preschool after-school program is run by the preschool team. Early morning drop-off for elemen­tary through middle school is at 7:30 a.m. at the elementary campus.

Parent Partic­i­pa­tion

Waverly’s warm and connected commu­nity is due in large part to the generos­ity and active partic­i­pa­tion of our parents/​guardians. Each family is asked to volun­teer 30 hours for the school each year. We under­stand that every family has a differ­ent journey with regard to time and the ability to volun­teer and there are many ways to volun­teer. We ask that each family contributes to the commu­nity in a way that is real­is­tic for their family. 

Does Waverly admit international students?

Yes, we admit inter­na­tional students. However, at this time, The Waverly School is not able to offer, process, or assist in the procure­ment of student visas (I‑20). Appli­cants must be able to provide proof of visa or other docu­men­ta­tion demon­strat­ing the ability to attend a non-public school in the United States, includ­ing proof of resi­dence, and host contact infor­ma­tion for an appli­ca­tion to be processed.