Meet the Faculty


Commit­ted to a human­is­tic approach, our high school teach­ers encour­age their students to be creative, self-disci­plined, and inde­pen­dent intel­lec­tu­als capable of high acad­e­mic achieve­ment and personal growth. Faculty share and model life­time learn­ing by devel­op­ing new classes and working with students on a range of activ­i­ties outside of class.

HS Faculty Immaculata Ajuogu 2023

Immac­u­lata Ajuogu

Immac­u­lata teaches human­i­ties in the high school. Immac­u­lata was born and raised in Nigeria and has been living in the U.S. for over 16 years. She received her bachelor’s in public health from the Univer­sity of Wash­ing­ton and her master’s in anthro­pol­ogy, with a focus on global health and studies, from Case Western Univer­sity. In her spare time, she enjoys poetry, trav­el­ing, dancing, reading, and engag­ing in research. As a scholar of anthro­pol­ogy and its impact on public health, and with the highest of confi­dence, she is convinced that Niger­ian jollof rice (not any other jollof) will change every­one’s life for the better! (Email)

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Tony Huang

Tony teaches English in the high school. Tony was born in Seoul, South Korea and spent his upbring­ing in Taiwan, Malaysia, and South Korea before immi­grat­ing to the United States for univer­sity. He received his bachelor’s in the Writing Semi­nars from Johns Hopkins Univer­sity and a master’s in English Single-Subject Teach­ing from Pepper­dine Univer­sity. Before joining Waverly, Tony spent nine years in inde­pen­dent board­ing schools in Cali­for­nia and Mass­a­chu­setts, where he taught English, creative writing, and coached soccer and badminton. In his free time, Tony likes to do outdoor activ­i­ties with his family, street photog­ra­phy, and screen­writ­ing. (Email)

HS Faculty Jack Knight 2023

Jack Knight

Jack teaches high school math. He has a B.S. in math­e­mat­ics and physics from the Univer­sity of Peradeniya in Sri Lanka, a Diploma in Math­e­mat­ics (part 1) from the Univer­sity of Auck­land (New Zealand), and a Diploma of Teach­ing in Math­e­mat­ics, Physics, and Chem­istry from Teacher’s College in New Zealand. Jack enjoys teach­ing at Waverly because the students are friendly and honest in sharing their thoughts.” (Email)

HS Faculty Kate Morris 2023

Kate Morris

Kate teaches science and math in the high school. Kate earned her B.A. in cultural anthro­pol­ogy from the Univer­sity of Cali­for­nia, Santa Cruz and obtained her M.A. in multi­cul­tural educa­tion from Sacra­mento State Univer­sity. Kate aims to make educa­tion inter­est­ing, engag­ing and acces­si­ble for every­one. She has been working in educa­tion for almost 20 years, and has taught courses on the colle­giate level and most recently at Tree Academy, a progres­sive school in West Holly­wood. When not teach­ing or research­ing about educa­tion, Kate can be found trav­el­ing, walking for hours through cities, the coun­try­side, or the forest taking photos and making art. (Email)

HS Faculty Alicia Narcisse 2023

Alicia Narcisse

Alicia teaches science and farm studies in the high school. Alicia was born and raised in Kingston, Jamaica and has spent much of her life between Jamaica and the U.S. She has a B.A. in cultural anthro­pol­ogy from Emory Univer­sity and a Bach­e­lor of basic medical sciences from the Univer­sity of the West Indies. With over eight years of teach­ing expe­ri­ence includ­ing at the Amer­i­can Inter­na­tional School of Kingston (AISK), one thing Alicia really enjoys about teach­ing is the chance to work together to iden­tify, prepare for, and conquer acad­e­mic and personal goals. (Email)

HS Faculty Kathy Repique 2023

Kathy Repique

Kathy teaches middle and high school math. Kathy has a B.S. in math­e­mat­ics with a minor in music from Loma Linda Univer­sity, an M.A. in applied math­e­mat­ics from Univer­sity of Cali­for­nia, Santa Barbara, and an Ed.D. in Lead­er­ship for Educa­tional Justice from Univer­sity of Redlands. Addi­tion­ally, Kathy holds a Cali­for­nia single-subject teach­ing creden­tial in math­e­mat­ics and certi­fi­ca­tion in cross-cultural language and acad­e­mic devel­op­ment. A self-described math nerd, Kathy lives in Los Angeles with her partner Jon and her dog Barney. (Email)

HS Faculty Andres Roblero 2023

Andrés Roblero Villalobos

Andrés teaches Spanish and AP Spanish language and culture at the high school. He is a native of Costa Rica and grad­u­ated from the Univer­sity of La Salle with a degree in busi­ness and inter­na­tional market­ing. Andrés loves to inspire students to deepen their under­stand­ing of crit­i­cal aspects of Hispanic culture and language. In turn, Andrés says, Waverly students inspire me because of their humil­ity, consis­tency, work ethic, and deter­mi­na­tion in every­thing they do.” (Email)

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Ryan Schwarzrock

Ryan teaches U.S. history/​APUSH and 9th grade English. Ryan received his bachelor’s in English from the Univer­sity of Cali­for­nia, Berke­ley. He contin­ued his passion for history and English, complet­ing both his M.A. and Ph.D. from the Univer­sity of Exeter in England, focus­ing his research and studies on liter­ary study and trans­la­tion with his thesis titled: Chron­i­cle and Conflict in Twelfth-Century León‑Castile.” Prior to coming to Waverly, Ryan taught history as an adjunct profes­sor at Long Beach City College. In his spare time, Ryan enjoys surfing, reading, and spend­ing time with his family. (Email)

MS HS Faculty Beatriz Valls Rodriguez 2023

Beatriz Valls Rodriguez

Beatriz teaches Spanish in the high school as well as art in the middle and high schools. Beatriz comes from Madrid, Spain. She received her bachelor’s in soci­ol­ogy from the Univer­si­dad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and a fine arts degree at Accad­e­mia delle Belle Arti di Brera in Milan, Italy. She contin­ued her passion for art and social studies, complet­ing an MFA in public prac­tice at Otis College of Art & Design in 2012, and she is currently looking forward to defend­ing her Ph.D. disser­ta­tion focused on socially-engaged art from UCM in Madrid in 2024. In her spare time, Bea enjoys doing sports to main­tain her mental and phys­i­cal well-being, talking to her family abroad, discov­er­ing new places in LA, going to museums and galleries, and being with her family and friends. (Email)

HS Faculty Briana Young 2023

Briana Young

Briana teaches psychol­ogy, art history, and human nature (philos­o­phy) at the high school. She also serves as the coor­di­na­tor of the well­ness program and teaches weekly yoga classes for students. Briana holds a B.A. in art history, an A.A. in devel­op­men­tal psychol­ogy, and has grad­u­ate-level expe­ri­ence in social work. She encour­ages her students to adopt a broad lens on human behav­ior and history, utiliz­ing the spec­trums of a micro/​macro lens. She encour­ages students to unpack the intri­ca­cies of what it means to be human with curios­ity, self-reflec­tion, and compas­sion. (Email)