
Middle school students choose from arts elec­tives in drama, fine art, music, and creative writing and partic­i­pate weekly in phys­i­cal educa­tion, human devel­op­ment, and farm class. Students also select their quar­terly elec­tives, choos­ing from offer­ings such as Japan­ese, film appre­ci­a­tion, strate­gic games, and quiet study, taught by the middle school core faculty.

MS HS Faculty Garrett Blackwell 24 25

Garrett Black­well

Garrett is the middle and high school music teacher. He received his B.A. from Colorado College, where his focuses included music theory and ethno­mu­si­col­ogy. He also played in the college’s blue­grass ensem­ble, through which he enjoyed oppor­tu­ni­ties to perform around the country, and he is excited to bring a blue­grass program to Waverly for the very first time! For the past several years, Garrett served as the Music Direc­tor at School of Rock Pasadena, where he deter­mined the school’s musical curricu­lum and worked with students of all ages and ability levels on a variety of instru­ments. In addi­tion to helping students explore their artis­tic inter­ests and achieve musical profi­ciency, Garrett focuses on helping his students become cultur­ally compe­tent, compas­sion­ate crit­i­cal thinkers, and he is excited to be a part of a commu­nity that also nour­ishes those traits. (Email)

Admin Kimberly Brandon 24 25

Kimberly Brandon

Kimberly is the athletic direc­tor and teaches P.E. in the Middle School. Kimberly has worked with Cali­for­nia inde­pen­dent schools for 10 years, serving as an athletic direc­tor, learn­ing special­ist, health/​wellness teacher, and assis­tant athletic direc­tor. She has worked in the athletic depart­ment at Pepper­dine Univer­sity as the assis­tant direc­tor of acad­e­mic support. Kimberly holds a bach­e­lor’s degree in family and human devel­op­ment from Arizona State Univer­sity and two master’s degrees in educa­tion and educa­tional coun­sel­ing from National Univer­sity. Orig­i­nally from Chatsworth, she earned a schol­ar­ship to play Division‑1 basket­ball for ASU, where she helped lead her team to earn spots in the Elite Eight, two Sweet 16s, and a WNIT appear­ance. In 2012, Kimberly also garnered atten­tion to be a WNBA prospect. When she is not working, she typi­cally enjoys simple activ­i­ties to help her relax and stay ener­gized, such as going to the park with her Minia­ture Pinscher dog, Tweety, hanging out with family, going to the movies, or playing board games. (Email)

MS HS Staff Alex Jospé 24 25

Alex Jospé

Alex is the middle and high school learn­ing special­ist. Alex has a Bach­e­lor of Arts in English liter­a­ture from Univer­sity of Cali­for­nia, Santa Cruz, and holds a Master of Arts in teach­ing from the Univer­sity of San Fran­cisco. In addi­tion, he earned his Certifi­cate for Advanced Study in Educa­tional Therapy from Cali­for­nia State Univer­sity, North­ridge, and is a certi­fied Educa­tional Ther­a­pist with an Asso­ciate Level member­ship from the Asso­ci­a­tion of Educa­tional Ther­a­pists. Alex has a range of expe­ri­ence at the middle, high school, and colle­giate levels. He has worked as a writing coach, learn­ing special­ist, and English teacher for many years. Alex brings a deep passion for support­ing students and helping teach­ers. (Email)

Kevin Farm Bio

Kevin Murawski

Kevin is Waverly’s farm educa­tion coor­di­na­tor. Kevin grad­u­ated from Otis Art Insti­tute of Parsons School of Design with a degree in fine arts and worked profes­sion­ally as an artist for over 20 years. While illus­trat­ing 14 books for young readers and working as a designer on many children’s programs, Kevin began to find his passion for connect­ing with kids. A life­long learner and self-proclaimed natu­ral­ist, Kevin has always had a deep appre­ci­a­tion for our envi­ron­ment and under­stand­ing our connec­tion to it. With count­less excur­sions into the field with students and dozens of overnight school camping trips over the years, Kevin brings a wealth of expe­ri­ence and knowl­edge to our program. After 13 years of teach­ing in the class­room, Kevin is thrilled to be working outside with students getting dirty, observ­ing closely, looking deeply, reflect­ing, wonder­ing, having fun, and contin­u­ally growing. (Email)

MS HS Faculty Beatriz Valls 24 25

Beatriz Valls Rodriguez

Beatriz teaches art in the middle and high schools as well as Spanish in the high school. Beatriz comes from Madrid, Spain. She received her bachelor’s in soci­ol­ogy from the Univer­si­dad Complutense de Madrid (UCM) and a fine arts degree at Accad­e­mia delle Belle Arti di Brera in Milan, Italy. She contin­ued her passion for art and social studies, complet­ing an MFA in public prac­tice at Otis College of Art & Design in 2012, and she is currently looking forward to defend­ing her Ph.D. disser­ta­tion focused on socially-engaged art from UCM in Madrid in 2024. Beatriz has been a faculty member at Otis College of Art & Design and Glen­dale Commu­nity College where she still teaches in the studio arts depart­ment. During her time in LA since 2010, she founded a studio called Transart­meth­ods imple­ment­ing creativ­ity for social impact with a variety of non-for-profit orga­ni­za­tions such as Access Books, Ready-Set-Read!, and Sages & Seekers among many others. In her spare time, Bea enjoys doing sports to main­tain her mental and phys­i­cal well-being, talking to her family abroad, discov­er­ing new places in LA, going to museums and galleries, and being with her family and friends. (Email)

MS HS Faculty Sydney Walsh 24 25

Sydney Walsh

Sydney teaches drama in the middle and high schools. Syd grad­u­ated from Williams College with a B.A. in theatre and English. An expe­ri­enced actor, direc­tor, and educa­tor, Syd says, I am constantly inspired by the group work ethic I see and feel in every class at Waverly. Students are inter­ested in creativ­ity and kind­ness, and they work from a place of loving support for each other’s creative processes.” Syd’s son, Harry 19, grad­u­ated from Waverly. (Email)

ES MS HS Faculty Sophie Zanders 24 25

Sophie Zanders

Sophie is the middle and high school coun­selor and teaches human devel­op­ment to our middle and high school students. Sophie earned her bach­e­lor’s degree from UCLA and her master’s in Dispute Reso­lu­tion from Pepper­dine Univer­sity School of Law. She recently earned a second master’s degree in school coun­sel­ing from USC. Prior to coming to Waverly, Sophie most recently served as the Dean of Students and Human Devel­op­ment Chair at Tree Academy as well as serving as a dispute reso­lu­tion consul­tant and learn­ing special­ist. (Email)