Waverly Literary Festival

November 18-22, 2024

We are excited to announce the 2024 – 2025 Waverly Liter­ary Festi­val, a part­ner­ship between Vroman’s Book­store and The Waverly School. 

This year’s events, includ­ing an in-store and online Vroman’s shop­ping week, guest authors, and student read­ings, will run from Novem­ber 18 – 22. In addi­tion to being a cele­bra­tion of liter­acy and inde­pen­dent think­ing, the annual Waverly Liter­ary Festi­val is a fundraiser for the Waverly School library and the primary source for all new books in the new Middle/​High School library, the Elemen­tary School library, all school class­rooms, and special­ist learning spaces. 

Every student will get a chance to partic­i­pate. The Waverly Parent Orga­ni­za­tion is provid­ing funds to make sure that every Waverly student gets a book. The students will be able to choose their gifted book during class visits with their teach­ers to the Sheila Kerri­gan Community Room. 

A portion of the proceeds from the sale of all books and gifts sold online or in-store at Vroman’s between Novem­ber 18 – 24 will be donated back to the school. Please use the code WAVERLY when order­ing online or bring the flyer provided when you check out at Vroman’s.

Calling all Waverly authors, poets, and illustrators!

Have you published a book? Would you like to donate copies to sell at the Liter­ary Festi­val? We will be setting up a special table at all of our on-campus events to high­light books from our school commu­nity. All proceeds will go towards the ES and *brand new* MS/HS libraries. If you are inter­ested in contribut­ing, please reach out to the Waverly Liter­ary Festi­val team (contact infor­ma­tion at the bottom of this page!) Thank you!

The Liter­ary Festi­val will feature a series of liter­ary events. Every­one is welcome – preschool to 12th grade, siblings, parents, grand­par­ents, and care­givers. We look forward to seeing you there!

Sched­ule of Events

Monday, Novem­ber 18 at 6:00 p.m. — Dan Santat in Conver­sa­tion with Clarke Weath­er­spoon, Head of School, at Vroman’s
A special event with Waverly parent Dan Santat at Vroman’s, cele­brat­ing his work as an author and illus­tra­tor, includ­ing a discus­sion of his 2023 National Book Award-winning memoir A First Time For Every­thing and a Q&A.

Tuesday, Novem­ber 19 at 4:00 p.m., Sheila Kerri­gan Commu­nity Room — Tao Nyeu, Exactly As Planned
Author, illus­tra­tor, and Waverly parent Tao Nyeu will read her new book Exactly As Planned with a show-and-tell and draw-along.

Thurs­day, Novem­ber 21 at 6:00 p.m., MS/HS Library — Waverly Student Reading
Please join us in support­ing our Middle and High School students as they share their poems and creative writing.

In addi­tion, the co-Poet Laure­ate of Altadena, Carla Sameth, will join MS and HS students for a special assem­bly and poetry work­shops on Monday, Novem­ber 18.

It is our hope that this week of reading, reflec­tion, and dialogue will allow us to more effec­tively realize our mission to incor­po­rate all aspects of human devel­op­ment — intel­lec­tual, social, phys­i­cal, aesthetic, and ethical — [and strive] to inte­grate learn­ing by guiding students to be curious about all that the world has to offer.” Our Liter­ary Festi­val will be fun, excit­ing, and a good chance to connect with members across the community. 


If you have any ques­tions, please contact the Liter­ary Festi­val Team: Tamara Barnett-Herrin at tbh2@​me.​com or Chequet Ching at inkhukhu@​gmail.​com. A special shout-out and thank you to Tamara and Chequet for their stew­ard­ship and commit­ment to bring­ing the Liter­ary Festi­val to life. We could not have this wonder­ful event without their joy and leadership!