Volunteer Hours: FAQ

WPO Frequently Asked Questions

How many hours is my family committed to?

Each family is asked to commit to 30 hours during the school year. Volun­teer­ing is a great way to meet other fami­lies, see the class­rooms in action, and create commu­nity. From drop­ping off coffee to big events like the Jog-a-thon to stuff­ing folders in the privacy of your own home, there are endless ways to get involved. MS and HS students may volun­teer toward family hours. 

What counts toward my hours?

Volun­teer­ing for WPO events and non-WPO events! Oppor­tu­ni­ties may be listed in the Waverly Weekly News, Room Parent emails, or on this website.

Can I get all my hours done at once?

Yes, by being a Room Parent, a Waverly Fund Class Agent, or chair­ing a WPO event/​activity. These include:

  • Pizza Friday Coor­di­na­tor (1or 2 people needed for each campus)
  • Choice Lunch Coordinator
  • Farm Volun­teer Coordinator
  • Library Volun­teer Coordinator
  • Waverly Dines Out Coordinator
  • Chair of a Waverly WPO Event. Most events have multi­ple Chair roles.

Where do I log my hours?

When you sign up to volun­teer at an event/​for an activ­ity using sign-up-genius, it will log your hours. For your other hours, each campus has a Parent Hours Log Book” where you can record the hours you have worked – see the recep­tion­ist at any campus for this Log Book. Final logs are due March 30. You can keep your log page at home and turn it in by March 30, or you can fill out your log page in the Log Book as you go through­out the year.

What are the fun volunteer perks?

10 hours = Special Waverly volun­teer t‑shirt!

20 hours = Pick from the Thank You Basket located at the ES reception desk!

30 hours of volun­teer work gets you 3 raffle tickets for the Head of School for the Day raffle!

The class with the most volun­teer hours gets a pizza party! (For ES, the class. For MS and HS, the grade with the most hours.)