Learning Through Play

Play is the most complete of all the educa­tional processes, for it influ­ences the intel­lect, the emotions, and the phys­i­cal devel­op­ment of the child. Through play, the young child recre­ates the world and comes to understand it. 

While playing, chil­dren observe, explore, test, examine, ques­tion, crit­i­cize, discard, choose, listen, and eval­u­ate. Play, in a rich envi­ron­ment, helps chil­dren clarify their think­ing, manage their feel­ings, and partic­i­pate confi­dently in the world around them.

PS Sample Week 05 Woodwork 02

Waverly’s outdoor class­room space provides mate­ri­als for climb­ing, digging, water play, build­ing, tricy­cle riding, paint­ing, and imaginary play.

Play at Waverly allows children to:

  • act out real-life situations
  • discover personal inter­ests, skills, and strengths
  • learn to respect others, their prop­erty, and their feelings
  • solve prob­lems, make deci­sions, and take risks
PS After Care 01 Rain

Play at Waverly develops:

  • muscle coor­di­na­tion
  • language, math, and inquiry skills
  • imag­i­na­tion and creativity
  • a depth of concentration