Media Use + Technology

The school has a devel­op­men­tal approach to the intro­duc­tion of tech­nol­ogy, with incre­men­tal layers of tech­nol­ogy instruc­tion and use increas­ing as students move through grade levels.

With the rapid growth in tech­nol­ogy, Waverly is commit­ted to prepar­ing students by first devel­op­ing their social and emotional skills. Before intro­duc­ing tech­nol­ogy in the class­room, students learn the value of human inter­ac­tion, reflec­tive think­ing, creative input, and making mistakes through:

• Use of the Respon­sive Class­room approach, and evidence-based approach to teach­ing and learn­ing. From preschool through 8th grade, students prac­tice the skills of listen­ing, respond­ing, empathiz­ing, and respect­ing peers and teachers.

• The well­ness program, which begins in elemen­tary school and contin­ues through 12th grade and empha­sizes social-emotional growth.

• Thematic discus­sions in each class­room that, start­ing in preschool, build student abil­i­ties to inter­pret and discuss important questions.

Waverly’s empha­sis on commu­ni­ca­tion and problem-solving supports students in respon­si­ble use of tech­nol­ogy. In middle school, students learn how to use tech­nol­ogy for class­room projects. They are taught to use computer access respon­si­bly and build upon their skills in interpreting data. 

The middle school has class sets of Chrome­books for use in research, commu­ni­ca­tion, and writing. Use of personal elec­tronic devices is discour­aged except in cases where it is deemed neces­sary for a student. Teach­ers use Power­School Learn­ing to share announce­ments and class­work with students and parents and guardians. The middle school teach­ers and admin­is­tra­tors also make daily use of Google Suite to share docu­ments, forms, and other information.