Supporting Waverly

This is Waverly’s strength: It builds better people by teach­ing them that it pays to be part of a commu­nity instead of an insti­tu­tion, and that rela­tion­ships built on trust — student-to-student and student-to-teacher — are stronger than those built on authority.

Knowing that people are invested in your success is the biggest comfort of all …

George Doehne 18

Support­ing Waverly

Waverly’s commu­nity is one distin­guished by a collab­o­ra­tive spirit and sense of engage­ment. As a commu­nity, we support and cele­brate a highly dedi­cated and engaged faculty and staff who keep students at the center of all that they do; we hold socio-economic diver­sity as key to the school’s char­ac­ter. Sustain­ing Waverly requires an equal commit­ment to phil­an­thropic support, which is needed to supple­ment tuition revenues and the valu­able gifts of time and talent contributed by fami­lies through parent volunteer hours. 

Waverly’s finan­cial stabil­ity is greatly strength­ened by family partic­i­pa­tion in fund-raising initia­tives such as the Waverly Fund, which supports annual oper­at­ing expenses; the current capital campaign; and partic­i­pa­tion in commu­nity-build­ing and fund-raising events orga­nized by the Waverly Parent Orga­ni­za­tion (WPO). Strong, gener­ous support by Waverly’s fami­lies shows foun­da­tions and the broader commu­nity that Waverly is highly valued by those who know it well and benefit most from it.

Waverly is a non-profit orga­ni­za­tion holding 501(c)(3) tax-exempt status from the IRS.